The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

Recounts and court cases determined the 2020 election was not stolen. The only attempt to steal the election came from Donald Trump. Here are the facts in one place.

The Interconnected Conspiracies That Sparked The January 6 Insurrection

The Interconnected Conspiracies That Sparked The January 6 Insurrection

Rather than one grand conspiracy, it appears the January 6 insurrection was organized and executed by disparate extremist groups.

Interview: Federico Finchelstein On The Modern Rise Of Fascism

Interview: Federico Finchelstein On The Modern Rise Of Fascism

Historian Federico Finchelstein discusses the elements of fascism, how it differs from real populism, why he thinks Trump is a wannabe fascist.

How White Nationalists Weaponize Christianity To Galvanize The Far-Right

How White Nationalists Weaponize Christianity To Galvanize The Far-Right

Self-proclaimed "Christian Nationalists" in the America First movement are exploiting religious beliefs to garner broader support within the GOP.

Why Are Members Of The Military Susceptible To Far-Right Extremism?

Why Are Members Of The Military Susceptible To Far-Right Extremism?

The sizable percentage of current and former military service members at the January 6 insurrection has raised new concerns about extremism in the military.

How Authoritarians Erode Democracy Under The Guise Of Defending It

How Authoritarians Erode Democracy Under The Guise Of Defending It

From the fascists of the early 20th Century to the modern Republican Party, those who seek to undermine democracy usually do so in the name of democracy.

Why The UK’s Race Report Was So Controversial

Why The UK’s Race Report Was So Controversial

A report by the UK's Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities downplayed systemic racism and its impact on societal inequities.

Panel Of Extremism Experts Answer Questions On How To Counter Extremism

Panel Of Extremism Experts Answer Questions On How To Counter Extremism

In episode 6 of our video series with CARR on radical right extremism, we speak to all of the experts we've interviewed so far and answer your questions.

How Conspiracy Theories Can Lead To Extremism And How To Combat Them

How Conspiracy Theories Can Lead To Extremism And How To Combat Them

In episode 5 of our video series with CARR on radical right extremism, we speak to Dr. Natalie James about conspiracy theories and how to combat them.

Inside The German Far-Right Party’s Effort To Normalize Nationalism Again

Inside The German Far-Right Party’s Effort To Normalize Nationalism Again

With new messaging emphasizing a return to normal, Germany's AfD party is seeking to bring nationalism back into the center of German politics.

The Community Factors That Drive Extremism And How To Counter Them

The Community Factors That Drive Extremism And How To Counter Them

In episode 4 of our video series with CARR on radical right extremism, we speak to Dr. Mario Peucker about community-driven extremism and how to combat it.

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