The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

Recounts and court cases determined the 2020 election was not stolen. The only attempt to steal the election came from Donald Trump. Here are the facts in one place.

5 Years After The Munich Shooting: Why It Should Be Remembered As Right-Wing Terrorism

5 Years After The Munich Shooting: Why It Should Be Remembered As Right-Wing Terrorism

It took years for the Munich shooting to be deemed a terrorist attack. It's important that it is accurately depicted in the history of right-wing extremism.

How January 6 Echoed Past Right-Wing Coup Attempts In The Western World

How January 6 Echoed Past Right-Wing Coup Attempts In The Western World

The January 6 insurrection fits into a history of right-wing coup attempts at times when their influence was threatened by a growing progressive movement.

Why The Creator Economy Is Booming

Why The Creator Economy Is Booming

Having clout on social media is becoming less of an aspiration and more of a matter of survival and freedom to live life on your own terms.

The Radical Right Is Targeting Neurodivergent Groups

The Radical Right Is Targeting Neurodivergent Groups

Extremists have long targeted neurodivergent groups. Are they now more at risk? The answer isn't that simple.

What The Biden Admin’s Countering Domestic Terrorism Plan Is Missing

What The Biden Admin’s Countering Domestic Terrorism Plan Is Missing

While the strategy includes a nuanced assessment of the challenges, there isn’t enough priority given to the role gender plays in extremism.

Supreme Court’s Arizona Voting Rights Ruling Renews Calls To End Filibuster

Supreme Court’s Arizona Voting Rights Ruling Renews Calls To End Filibuster

After the Supreme Court upheld Arizona's voting restrictions, there are renewed calls for Democrats to reform the filibuster and pass voting rights legislation.

How The Anti-Democracy Movement Is Weaponizing Conspiracy Theories

How The Anti-Democracy Movement Is Weaponizing Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories are increasingly intersecting with right-wing extremist ideologies. This is not happening by mistake. It's a deliberate strategy.

How The Far Right Is Going Liquid

How The Far Right Is Going Liquid

Right-wing extremists and far-right political parties have been using social media to broaden their appeal beyond the fringes.

Teen Tased By Florida State Trooper Is Still In Detention, Experiencing Headaches

Teen Tased By Florida State Trooper Is Still In Detention, Experiencing Headaches

16-year-old Jack Rodeman, the biracial teen tased while in his girlfriend's backyard is still in detention and experiencing headaches after hitting his head.

The Far-Right Is Now Using Comic Books To Spread Their Ideology

The Far-Right Is Now Using Comic Books To Spread Their Ideology

The far-right has continued their multimedia propaganda efforts, this time, they're turning to comics books in an attempt to target younger people.

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