The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

Recounts and court cases determined the 2020 election was not stolen. The only attempt to steal the election came from Donald Trump. Here are the facts in one place.

White Nationalism Is Preached From The Conservative Media Pulpit

White Nationalism Is Preached From The Conservative Media Pulpit

Prominent media figures on the right have been pushing increasingly blatant white nationalist rhetoric. The dangers of this can't be overstated.

As Authoritarianism Surges, Corporations Have A Responsibility To Counter It

As Authoritarianism Surges, Corporations Have A Responsibility To Counter It

While many corporations have supported the far right for decades via dark money, it's time for a new model. We might already be seeing the beginning of this era.

How To Prevent Radicalization And Violent Extremism: Lessons From The UK

How To Prevent Radicalization And Violent Extremism: Lessons From The UK

In episode 3 of our video series with CARR on radical right extremism, we speak to Sean Arbuthnot about the UK's counter-extremism program called Prevent.

Right-Wing Extremist Manifestos Create A Blueprint For Transnational Terrorism

Right-Wing Extremist Manifestos Create A Blueprint For Transnational Terrorism

Right-wing terrorist manifestos are more than just ideological proclamations. Like the Al Qaeda Training Manual, these manifestos are propaganda providing tactical guidance to terrorists around the world.

The Right Is Trying To Make Ashli Babbitt A Martyr

The Right Is Trying To Make Ashli Babbitt A Martyr

This isn’t the first time a death of this nature was used as a tool to radicalize and recruit new members to extremist groups.

The Capitol Insurrection By The Numbers

The Capitol Insurrection By The Numbers

While Republicans push revisionist history about the insurrection, it's important to highlight the reach of the Big Lie and the scope of the Capitol siege.

By Ousting Liz Cheney, GOP Chooses The Big Lie & Trump Over Truth

By Ousting Liz Cheney, GOP Chooses The Big Lie & Trump Over Truth

The Republican Party has rejected Liz Cheney for telling the truth about the 2020 election while they undermine democracy with voter suppression bills across the country.

The Murky Overlaps Between Swedish COVID Protests And The Radical Right

How Extremists Organize & Radicalize Online: What Can We Do About It?

How Extremists Organize & Radicalize Online: What Can We Do About It?

In episode 2 of our video series with CARR on radical right extremism, we speak to Ashton Kingdon about online extremism and how to combat it.

We Can’t Combat Extremism Without Also Combating Misogyny

We Can’t Combat Extremism Without Also Combating Misogyny

Recognizing the role of community and gender constructions is essential to effective counter-extremism and terrorism approaches.

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