The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

Recounts and court cases determined the 2020 election was not stolen. The only attempt to steal the election came from Donald Trump. Here are the facts in one place.

Red Or Black Pill: How The Far-Right Appropriated The Matrix Metaphor

Red Or Black Pill: How The Far-Right Appropriated The Matrix Metaphor

"Blackpilling" has taken on a violent misogynist meaning among incels and "redpilling" holds authoritarian meaning for the far-right. How did we get here?

Is It Possible To Reason With Anti-Genderists?

Is It Possible To Reason With Anti-Genderists?

This article considers the possibilities and limitations of meaningful engagement with radical right anti-gender actors amid increasing polarization around sexual and reproductive rights.

Why We Need More Women Working In Counter-Terrorism

Why We Need More Women Working In Counter-Terrorism

As the global counter-terrorism community assesses its successes and failures two decades after the 9/11 attacks, there's an opportunity to rethink how we include gender in our security planning.

In Rural Nevada, A Microcosm Of The GOP’s Increasingly Radical Local Politics

In Rural Nevada, A Microcosm Of The GOP’s Increasingly Radical Local Politics

Recent far-right moves in rural counties in Nevada showcase how local GOP officials are becoming increasingly radical.

Terrorism Outlawed: Why The UK’s Ban Of Neo-Nazi Group The Base Is Important

Terrorism Outlawed: Why The UK’s Ban Of Neo-Nazi Group The Base Is Important

This is the fifth white supremacist group banned in the UK under their terrorism laws.

Why The Radical Right Exploits Games As Tools For Radicalization

Why The Radical Right Exploits Games As Tools For Radicalization

Fascists have historically used games as a means to perpetuate their ideology. Those efforts have accelerated in the era of technological gaming.

Anti-Vaxxers’ Trivialization Of The Holocaust Is Antisemitic

Anti-Vaxxers’ Trivialization Of The Holocaust Is Antisemitic

Anti-vaxxers and the far-right collaborate to falsely compare health measures to the Holocaust. This inverse victimhood attempts to sow COVID disinformation and spread radical right ideas at the same time.

Exposing The Tanton Network: The Bigoted Anti-Immigrant Movement

Exposing The Tanton Network: The Bigoted Anti-Immigrant Movement

On the 2 year anniversary of the El Paso terrorist attack, Mark Potok highlights how the extremist Tanton Network shaped the anti-immigration movement.

Bolsonaro And Modi Are At A COVID Crossroads

Bolsonaro And Modi Are At A COVID Crossroads

Alexander Reid Ross does a data-driven deep dive into the demographics of Brazil and India to analyze their appeal, and chances of re-election.

The Global Anti-Abortion Movement Continues To Mobilize Post-Trump

The Global Anti-Abortion Movement Continues To Mobilize Post-Trump

There is a well-financed, transnational movement against reproductive rights. This will have disastrous consequences for global health and human rights if it's not challenged.

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