The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

Recounts and court cases determined the 2020 election was not stolen. The only attempt to steal the election came from Donald Trump. Here are the facts in one place.

America Classified As A Declining Democracy By Experts, Again

America Classified As A Declining Democracy By Experts, Again

Freedom House Democracy Index marked America as a declining democracy. Is the American system itself flawed or can it recover?

Does The Radical Right Thrive In Two-Party Or Multi-Party Systems?

Does The Radical Right Thrive In Two-Party Or Multi-Party Systems?

Carson Markley and Bethan Johnson analyze the effects democratic structures have on the appeal of Alt-Right political movements across the world.

How Tucker Carlson Is Mainstreaming Blatant White Supremacy

How Tucker Carlson Is Mainstreaming Blatant White Supremacy

Fox's most popular host repeatedly pushes overt white supremacist ideas straight from terrorist manifestos, and white supremacist groups are celebrating it.

How Biden Can Handle Haiti Better Than His Predecessors

How Biden Can Handle Haiti Better Than His Predecessors

The current crisis on the border is a product of centuries of US imperialism. Righting these wrongs would require a transformative change of course from President Biden.

Germany Has Stepped Up Its Efforts Combating Right-Wing Extremism

Germany Has Stepped Up Its Efforts Combating Right-Wing Extremism

From beefing up law enforcement to boosting funding for programs preventing radicalization and strengthening civic education, Germany has taken decisive action in recent years.

The Links Between The Radical Right And Organized Crime

The Links Between The Radical Right And Organized Crime

The links between organized crime groups and the radical right highlight the scope of their corruption and the abuse of government that such links create. In the worst cases, radical-right political parties actually become organized crime groups.

Polarization And Disinformation Spreading In Spain

Polarization And Disinformation Spreading In Spain

In Spain, extreme discourses can be found in protests and street art.

Is The Far-Right’s Praise Of The Taliban Indicative Of Something Bigger?

Is The Far-Right’s Praise Of The Taliban Indicative Of Something Bigger?

As the Taliban took over Afghanistan, elements of the far-right in America cheered. It's one example of a number of recent cross-ideological terrorist activities between right-wing extremists and Islamist extremists.

The FBI’s 2020 Hate Crime Report Shows 12-Year High, But Spotlights Underreporting

The FBI’s 2020 Hate Crime Report Shows 12-Year High, But Spotlights Underreporting

The FBI has reported a troubling spike in hate crimes last year, but studies show that the actual number of yearly hate crimes is significantly higher.

How Authoritarian Movements Are Exploiting COVID Restriction Protests

How Authoritarian Movements Are Exploiting COVID Restriction Protests

"Freedom" rallies protesting COVID health measures are uniting conspiracy theorists and anti-democracy forces behind a common cause: undermining the liberal democratic order.

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