The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

Recounts and court cases determined the 2020 election was not stolen. The only attempt to steal the election came from Donald Trump. Here are the facts in one place.

Global Attendance At Radical Right Rallies Highlights Transnational Threat

Global Attendance At Radical Right Rallies Highlights Transnational Threat

Rallies in Poland, Hungary, and Bulgaria highlight how radical right extremists from across the globe are collaborating.

Exposing The Philosophy Behind Neo-Nazism

Exposing The Philosophy Behind Neo-Nazism

Like the 20th Century German Nazis before them, modern white nationalists like Richard Spencer are exploiting the illiberal work of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.

Antisemitism In The Anti-Vax Movement Is Nothing New

Antisemitism In The Anti-Vax Movement Is Nothing New

In past pandemics, the anti-vax movement has been rife with antisemitism. In the COVID-19 pandemic, we see more of the same.

Proud Boys & Pride Flags: When The Radical Right Meets The Suburbs

Proud Boys & Pride Flags: When The Radical Right Meets The Suburbs

In the LGBTQ-friendly rural-bordering suburb of Hillsborough, North Carolina, we see a microcosm of the growing influence of radical right extremism.

Anti-Gender Mobilization At The World Health Assembly

Anti-Gender Mobilization At The World Health Assembly

When a draft resolution at the World Health Assembly advocated for comprehensive sexuality education, anti-gender groups sprang into action to block it.

Is The Supreme Court Undemocratic?

Is The Supreme Court Undemocratic?

As Supreme Court Justices claim they aren't politically motivated, their actions point to the contrary, sparking calls for reform.

Democracy Is In Recession. How Can We Restore Faith In It?

Democracy Is In Recession. How Can We Restore Faith In It?

The 1/6 insurrection highlighted the fragility of US democracy. Its aftermath provides an opportunity to strengthen democracy that we shouldn't squander.

The GOP Effort To Install “Big Lie” Election Officials Raises Alarms

The GOP Effort To Install “Big Lie” Election Officials Raises Alarms

During the 2020 election, key election officials refused to play along with Trump’s election lies. Now, the GOP is seeking to replace them with sycophants.

The Myth Of Lone Wolf Terrorism

The Myth Of Lone Wolf Terrorism

Why the misguided belief in the "lone wolf" creates ineffective counterterrorism policies.

Tucker Carlson Is The Most Dangerous Anchor In America

Tucker Carlson Is The Most Dangerous Anchor In America

The Fox News host is abusing his position leading America's most-watched cable news program to push the Republican Party into an even more authoritarian, racist, and anti-truth stance.

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