The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

Recounts and court cases determined the 2020 election was not stolen. The only attempt to steal the election came from Donald Trump. Here are the facts in one place.

Post-Insurrection, GOP Further Embraces Trump And QAnon

Post-Insurrection, GOP Further Embraces Trump And QAnon

Rather than embracing accountability, Republicans are embracing the forces that led to the deadly insurrection at the Capitol while telling us to "move on."

Gender And Misogyny At The Capitol Insurrection

Gender And Misogyny At The Capitol Insurrection

Misogyny was deep-seated among the Capitol insurrectionists, and yet women were still among them. This is a dynamic that warrants more scrutiny.

Can Americans’ Susceptibility To Fascism Be Measured?

Can Americans’ Susceptibility To Fascism Be Measured?

After the Trump era, it's worth revisiting the 1950 study "The Authoritarian Personality" to enrich our understanding of the factors that drive fascism.

What Biden’s First Days As President Reveal About How He Will Govern

What Biden’s First Days As President Reveal About How He Will Govern

Biden spent his first days in office undoing Trump's worst executive orders, giving relief to Americans, and setting his presidential priorities.

Biden Should Remove Trump Appointee With White Nationalist Ties

Biden Should Remove Trump Appointee With White Nationalist Ties

During the lame-duck period, Trump appointed Darren Beattie to America's Holocaust Commission. Biden should remove him.

SCOOP: Amy Kremer’s Women for America First Tax-Exempt Status Revoked

SCOOP: Amy Kremer’s Women for America First Tax-Exempt Status Revoked

Tax-exempt organizations like Amy Kremer's "Women for America First" are drawing scrutiny from Senator Wyden, the IRS, and could be subject to investigation.

Trump’s Post-Presidency Will Be Plagued By Criminal Probes

Trump’s Post-Presidency Will Be Plagued By Criminal Probes

From fraud in New York to his incitement of an insurrection, Trump faces multiple criminal investigations. He may finally experience accountability.

The Insurrection Was A Confederate Resurgence

The Insurrection Was A Confederate Resurgence

What we saw on January 6 was the ideological descendants of the Confederacy lashing out as people of color gain more power. Trumpism is the new Lost Cause.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 208th, And Final, Unpresidented Week As POTUS

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 208th, And Final, Unpresidented Week As POTUS

President Trump was impeached a second time for inciting an insurrection against the country he's supposed to protect. This will be his legacy.

After Trump’s Insurrection Colleges Should Stop Coddling The Radical Right

After Trump’s Insurrection Colleges Should Stop Coddling The Radical Right

Under the guise of free speech, right-wing extremism has thrived on college campuses. Colleges now need to work to preserve our democracy.

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