The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

Recounts and court cases determined the 2020 election was not stolen. The only attempt to steal the election came from Donald Trump. Here are the facts in one place.

Susan Collins And The Passive Enabling Of Authoritarianism

Susan Collins And The Passive Enabling Of Authoritarianism

January 6’s Capitol insurrection marks the time for accountability for those who enable authoritarianism and white supremacy and a need to elect more women of color.

Trump Solidifies Place In History Among Failed Right-Wing Dictators

Trump Solidifies Place In History Among Failed Right-Wing Dictators

No US President has attempted to overthrow democracy and assault the peaceful transition of power. Trump is more akin to history's failed dictators.

Foxes Guarding Hen Houses: The Radical Right Has Infiltrated Our Institutions

Foxes Guarding Hen Houses: The Radical Right Has Infiltrated Our Institutions

As we saw in the Trump insurrection, the radical right has infiltrated institutions from the police to government. This is also a global phenomenon.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 207th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 207th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

After amplifying Trump's election lies and radicalizing their base into violent insurrection, Republicans are calling for "unity" to avoid accountability.

From Radicalization To Insurrection: A Reckoning For Big Tech

From Radicalization To Insurrection: A Reckoning For Big Tech

While Trump, Republicans, and right-wing media should carry much of the blame, tech companies must atone for their role in far-right radicalization and make bigger changes.

A Buzzfeed-like Site For The Radical Right In Germany Poses New Challenges

A Buzzfeed-like Site For The Radical Right In Germany Poses New Challenges

A new German content site called FlinkFeed seeks to rewrite German history and mainstream New Right ideas by appropriating BuzzFeed's style.

Trump Prepared For This Insurrection His Entire Presidency

Trump Prepared For This Insurrection His Entire Presidency

From his 2016 Campaign to Charlottesville to his voter fraud lies, President Trump laid the groundwork for his insurrection. And Republicans helped.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 206th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 206th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

After 140 House and 12 Senate Republicans backed Trump's flimsy January 6 coup attempt, Trump pressured Raffensperger to overturn Georgia's results in his favor.

Trump Leaves America Most Divided In Modern History

Trump Leaves America Most Divided In Modern History

Trump's central tactic was to divide and conquer. He failed to conquer, but his disinformation successfully divided America into warring realities.

Trump’s Presidency Reveals Serious Flaws In Constitution

Trump’s Presidency Reveals Serious Flaws In Constitution

The Constitution leaves a lot up to the character of the president. More norms should be laws, the electoral college should be reformed, and there must be better mechanisms for accountability.

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