The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

Recounts and court cases determined the 2020 election was not stolen. The only attempt to steal the election came from Donald Trump. Here are the facts in one place.

Russian State-Media Aligns With GOP Messaging After Capitol Attack

Russian State-Media Aligns With GOP Messaging After Capitol Attack

RT is expanding their disinformation tactics and pivoting to complaints of censorship. As in recent years, they are on message with Republicans.

Can Community Engagement Counter The Radical Right?

Can Community Engagement Counter The Radical Right?

A coordinator of the UK's counter-extremism program shares insights on how to launch targeted, community-focused de-radicalization campaigns.

Radical Right Extremists And The Quantum Arms Race

Radical Right Extremists And The Quantum Arms Race

As the US and China make advances in quantum computing over the next decade, new threats will arise if this technology gets in the hands of the far-right.

Ghost Skins: Military & Law Enforcement Members At The Insurrection

Ghost Skins: Military & Law Enforcement Members At The Insurrection

Why current and former members of the military and law enforcement with extremist views threaten national security beyond the January 6 terrorist attack.

“Siege” Culture And The Radical Right

“Siege” Culture And The Radical Right

An influential neo-Nazi brought James Mason’s "Siege" approach to radical right terrorism back into the mainstream. It's even more relevant today.

In Senate Trial, The GOP Faces A Reckoning

In Senate Trial, The GOP Faces A Reckoning

If Senate Republicans refuse to convict Trump for inciting an insurrection, they are further solidifying their party's drift into authoritarianism.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is The Republican Party

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is The Republican Party

Marjorie Taylor Greene is not an anomaly. She personifies the Republican Party's radicalizing descent into depraved delusion.

“Spaniards First”: Spain’s Far-Right Vox Party Is Co-Opting Trumpism

“Spaniards First”: Spain’s Far-Right Vox Party Is Co-Opting Trumpism

They fear-monger about immigrants, push conspiracy theories, and want to build a wall. Spain's VOX party is using Trump-like tactics.

Alt-Tech Platforms Cultivate Disinformation And Extremism

Alt-Tech Platforms Cultivate Disinformation And Extremism

Conservatives are fleeing to social media sites like Gab, Telegram, MeWe, and BitChute that knowingly host dangerous right-wing content.

The Threat Of More Radical Right Terrorism Looms

The Threat Of More Radical Right Terrorism Looms

After the DHS issued a terrorism alert claiming the Capitol insurrection may embolden other extremists, we look at the factors that trigger right-wing violence.

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