The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

Recounts and court cases determined the 2020 election was not stolen. The only attempt to steal the election came from Donald Trump. Here are the facts in one place.

Everything You Need To Know About H.R.1 And The Fight for Voting Rights

Everything You Need To Know About H.R.1 And The Fight for Voting Rights

The For the People Act passed the House but this democracy reform bill faces stiff opposition from Republicans in the Senate.

How George Soros Became The Right’s Scapegoat

How George Soros Became The Right’s Scapegoat

Over the years, false and antisemitic attacks on George Soros have been used to undermine pro-democracy causes and the struggle to expand human rights.

Republicans’ Anti-Asian COVID Rhetoric Was A Deliberate Strategy

Republicans’ Anti-Asian COVID Rhetoric Was A Deliberate Strategy

After it was clear Trump was mishandling the pandemic, he called it the "Chinese virus" and the National Republican Senatorial Committee sent out a memo outlining their plan to deflect blame to China.

COVID-19 Highlighted The Failures Of Conservatism

COVID-19 Highlighted The Failures Of Conservatism

The incompetent governance, radical individualism, and anti-intellectualism in modern conservatism made the pandemic much worse than it had to be.

Arrest Of Neo-Nazi Rapper Highlights Threat Of White Supremacist Music

Arrest Of Neo-Nazi Rapper Highlights Threat Of White Supremacist Music

Austrian neo-Nazi rapper Mr. Bond was arrested for promoting neo-Nazism and inciting violence. Unfortunately, he's not the only white supremacist musician.

The Center Right Goes Hardline On Immigration In Europe

The Center Right Goes Hardline On Immigration In Europe

In an effort to outflank the radical right on the issue of immigration, center right parties have taken their hardline stances into the mainstream.

How Trump’s Election Defeat Reshaped QAnon

How Trump’s Election Defeat Reshaped QAnon

Former President Trump’s election defeat in November 2020 has thrown the QAnon belief system into disarray. But the extremist cult is still very much alive.

CPAC Highlighted The Republican Party’s True Identity

CPAC Highlighted The Republican Party’s True Identity

CPAC featured election lies and undemocratic rhetoric. The GOP is a coalition of Trump cultists with shared cultural grievances and conspiracy theories.

Hyatt Faces Backlash For Hosting CPAC

Hyatt Faces Backlash For Hosting CPAC

CPAC held a conference filled with election lies that incited the insurrection. Hyatt Hotels is facing continued backlash over hosting it.

How The US Could Rethink Counter-Extremism Programs

How The US Could Rethink Counter-Extremism Programs

Given the complexity of the radical right threat in the US, there are numerous factors to be considered when it comes to mass de-radicalization programs.

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