The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

Recounts and court cases determined the 2020 election was not stolen. The only attempt to steal the election came from Donald Trump. Here are the facts in one place.

How Exactly Should We Hold The Insurrectionists Accountable?

How Exactly Should We Hold The Insurrectionists Accountable?

While members of white supremacist groups have already been charged with conspiracy, some argue for sedition charges. But is that the best way to ensure conviction?

Biden Pushes Popular Agenda, GOP Backs Blind Opposition

Biden Pushes Popular Agenda, GOP Backs Blind Opposition

While Biden pursues wildly popular legislation with disciplined effectiveness, Republicans are flailing with frivolous culture wars, disinformation, and democracy-eroding tactics.

Neo-Nazis Push Lies And Revisionist History

Neo-Nazis Push Lies And Revisionist History

Neo-Nazis push lies alleging white superiority, a “great replacement” myth, and push a false historical narrative about 20th Century Nazis in Germany.

Pandemic Poses Radicalization Risks For Children

Pandemic Poses Radicalization Risks For Children

From children living in extremist households to those consuming extremist content on social media, the pandemic has left them vulnerable to radicalization.

The Atlanta Shootings Reveal A Blind Spot In Far-Right Studies

The Atlanta Shootings Reveal A Blind Spot In Far-Right Studies

Personal reflections from mixed Asian women on how recent anti-Asian hate crimes reveal a lack of understanding of deeply rooted and widespread anti-Asian hate.

How Do You Solve A Problem Like The Proud Boys?

How Do You Solve A Problem Like The Proud Boys?

Given the challenges law enforcement faces when trying to tackle extremist groups, it's clear that other counter-extremism measures have to be on the table.

Today’s Anti-Asian Bigotry Has Deep Roots In American History

Today’s Anti-Asian Bigotry Has Deep Roots In American History

The modern surge in anti-Asian hatred is built upon a foundation of centuries of discrimination, scapegoating, and violence.

Data Debunks False Narratives About The Border

Data Debunks False Narratives About The Border

Conservative pundits and elected officials have been pushing a “border crisis” narrative that lays blame exclusively on Biden. There’s just one problem: The facts say otherwise.

The White Supremacist Insurgency Was Always America’s Biggest Threat

The White Supremacist Insurgency Was Always America’s Biggest Threat

For too long, the focus has been on “foreign insurgents” and threats, allowing white supremacist extremism to organize, foment, and spread.

Why Do the Radical Right And Populists In Serbia Celebrate Antifascism?

Why Do the Radical Right And Populists In Serbia Celebrate Antifascism?

In Serbia, the authoritarian regime and radical right commemorate the seemingly unsuitable antifascist past and victory against fascism, reveling in the historical friendship with Russia.

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