Articles tagged: "Donald Trump"
Supporting Brett Kavanaugh Is Backfiring On The GOP

Supporting Brett Kavanaugh Is Backfiring On The GOP

Escalating the war on women and harnessing white male rage in the wake of #MeToo may invigorate the base, but it has a cost—suburban women.

Grassley, Graham, & Hatch Voted To Impeach Clinton For What Kavanaugh Did

Grassley, Graham, & Hatch Voted To Impeach Clinton For What Kavanaugh Did

Statements from current and past Republicans on the Clinton impeachment reveal a hypocritical party at odds with their past views on lying to the American people.

The New York Times Just Revealed The Trump Family’s Legacy Of Fraud And Deception

The New York Times Just Revealed The Trump Family’s Legacy Of Fraud And Deception

In the most comprehensive look into their finances yet, the Times reveals the Trump family's fraud and definitively proves that Donald Trump is not a self-made billionaire.

New Report Indicates Kavanaugh Lied About Deborah Ramirez Under Oath

New Report Indicates Kavanaugh Lied About Deborah Ramirez Under Oath

Another day, another component of Brett Kavanaugh's testimony contradicted. And it could pose a serious threat to his confirmation.

A Complete Analysis Of Donald Trump’s 88th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

A Complete Analysis Of Donald Trump’s 88th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

In the most emotional week since the height of Trump's immigrant family separations, the two sides of America were displayed in a stark contrast as the power of the #MeToo era took center stage.

For Survivors, The Ford-Kavanaugh Hearing Was Deeply Personal

For Survivors, The Ford-Kavanaugh Hearing Was Deeply Personal

I'm a survivor of sexual assault. This entire process has been a roller coaster of emotion.

How The Republican Party Delegitimized Government

How The Republican Party Delegitimized Government

The right’s message has been loud and clear: they don’t care what the majority of voters think. They’ll do as they please, even if they have to change the laws to do it.

Mental Health Experts Raise Concerns About Trump’s Fitness For Office

Mental Health Experts Raise Concerns About Trump’s Fitness For Office

Experts who have reviewed hundreds of Trump interviews and a psychiatrist who briefed Congress on Trump’s mental state are alarmed by what they see. America should be as well.

The Media Still Has A Lot To Learn From 2016

The Media Still Has A Lot To Learn From 2016

The media played a part in getting Donald Trump elected. Two years later, they're still struggling to combat his false narratives.

Why American Women Are Done Being Silent And Ready To Use Their Rage

Why American Women Are Done Being Silent And Ready To Use Their Rage

In spite of Republicans' best efforts, the anger felt by women across the country isn't going anywhere. In fact, it's turning into action.

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