Articles tagged: "Women"
Alito Opinion Lays Groundwork To Repeal More Than Just Abortion Rights

Alito Opinion Lays Groundwork To Repeal More Than Just Abortion Rights

Justice Alito's opinion repealing Roe v. Wade outlines a legal framework to target same-sex marriage, contraceptive care, and other rights.

The Global Anti-Abortion Movement Continues To Mobilize Post-Trump

The Global Anti-Abortion Movement Continues To Mobilize Post-Trump

There is a well-financed, transnational movement against reproductive rights. This will have disastrous consequences for global health and human rights if it's not challenged.

Trump’s Exploitation Of Christianity And Assault On Women’s Rights

Trump’s Exploitation Of Christianity And Assault On Women’s Rights

In a feverish attempt to appeal to the religious right, Trump has gone to great lengths to bar women from gaining access to reproductive care. This will be a big part of his legacy.

The Radical Right’s Violent Hatred of Women

The Radical Right’s Violent Hatred of Women

While bigotry and white supremacy are core tenets of the radical right, underlying it all is a deeply ingrained misogyny that has manifested in violence.

Top 10 Causes To Support In 2020

Top 10 Causes To Support In 2020

Learn about some of the major causes you can support in 2020 and how you can support them.

GOP Attacks On Women Impeachment Witnesses Backfire

GOP Attacks On Women Impeachment Witnesses Backfire

During the impeachment hearings, President Trump and the GOP continued their pattern of attacking and attempting to silence women. Polling indicates it didn't work.

Women’s History Of Combatting The Radical Right

Women’s History Of Combatting The Radical Right

Throughout world history, women have not only been targets of the radical right, they have also been one of the leading forces combatting them.

The Ugly Truth About Trump’s Racist Attacks On “The Squad”

The Ugly Truth About Trump’s Racist Attacks On “The Squad”

Trump’s racist attacks on "the Squad" have roots in America’s history and modern GOP politics, which cultivated a culture that marginalizes women of color.

Sexism In 2020: How We’re Repeating The Mistakes Of 2016

Sexism In 2020: How We’re Repeating The Mistakes Of 2016

The women of the 2020 Democratic Primary are leading on detailed policies, experience and expertise. If we don't recognize this, we'll be poorer for it.

Restrictive Abortion Laws Aren’t Pro-Life. They’re Anti-Women.

Restrictive Abortion Laws Aren’t Pro-Life. They’re Anti-Women.

From Alabama to Georgia to Ohio, women’s bodies and economic mobility are being put on the front lines of a political battle.

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