Rantt Media is an independently owned news company that launched in October 2016. We analyze the news, shed light on injustices, and tell the stories that matter to you.
A look at North Carolina’s political turmoil — and the long, bloody road to this moment
Listening to the intelligence community is so 2016...
The Will Of The People Prevails, Media Hands Victory To Trump — An Inside Look At The GOP’s Ethics Vote
The Weekly Windshield Wiper Clearing Through Media B.S.
Trump lies, media regurgitates, rinse & repeat
The Weekly Windshield Wiper Clearing Through Media B.S.
The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact has 61% of the electoral votes it needs to hit the 270 mark
Throughout the chaos of 2016 one thing has become abundantly clear: The press has failed the people
Donald Trump, the avatar of white identity politics
The Weekly Windshield Wiper Clearing Through Media B.S.