Articles tagged: "Economy"
Why We Must Revisit The Fraud At The Center Of The 2008 Financial Crisis

Why We Must Revisit The Fraud At The Center Of The 2008 Financial Crisis

Bankers learned from the 2008 financial crisis that they can game the system, keep all the profits, let taxpayers take the hit, and get away with it. That must be rectified.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 100th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 100th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

Donald Trump is alone, afraid, and infuriated as crises of his own making throw his presidency into a state of unmitigated chaos.

Here’s How We Can Reduce Income Inequality

Here’s How We Can Reduce Income Inequality

In episode 5 of We The People, we break down several policies lawmakers can enact that could begin to address the economic disparities our country faces.

How Washington Became Ruled By Wall Street

How Washington Became Ruled By Wall Street

And how it will continue to be unless changes are made.

How Bankers Made Billions From The 2008 Financial Crisis - And How They Could Do It Again

Is It Still The Economy, Stupid?

Is It Still The Economy, Stupid?

For decades, approval of the economy would decide how the nation votes. But what happens when just a fifth of the people see all the benefits?

Donald Trump’s Trade Wars Are Giving Voters Actual Economic Anxiety

Donald Trump’s Trade Wars Are Giving Voters Actual Economic Anxiety

A plurality of voters disapprove of Trump's strategy on trade for very clear and pragmatic reasons. And those that don't, will soon see its effects.

How The One Percent’s Short-Term Thinking Is Cannibalizing America’s Future

How The One Percent’s Short-Term Thinking Is Cannibalizing America’s Future

Today’s investor class demands maximum profits without investing in their own workers. And that’s bad for both society and their businesses.

Trump’s Trade Wars Will Tank The Economy While Trump Voters Scream MAGA

Trump’s Trade Wars Will Tank The Economy While Trump Voters Scream MAGA

Trump’s trade wars are manifesting as looming layoffs and nine-figure losses for the white working class. And yet, his base continues to sing his praises.

On NAFTA, Trump And His Advisers Are Mixing Ego And Economics

On NAFTA, Trump And His Advisers Are Mixing Ego And Economics

Economic advisers to President Trump are applying a toxic zero-sum mindset to trade, putting millions of jobs at risk in the process.

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