Rantt Media is an independently owned news company that launched in October 2016. We analyze the news, shed light on injustices, and tell the stories that matter to you.

From their use of money to rats on the caricatures' shoulders, the float echoed anti-Semitic tropes used by Nazis to justify the Holocaust.
In his fawning over Kim Jong-un, President Trump once again bowed in the face of autocracy and turned his back on American values.
Ivanka Trump’s announcement of her women’s empowerment initiative rings hollow while her father’s policies threaten women’s rights around the globe.
While racism and xenophobia are central to radical right ideology, there is a wave of gender discrimination sweeping radical right groups around the globe.
It’s become clear that racism isn’t a side effect of far-right ideology, it is a foundational quality of radical right parties in the US and Europe.
Numerous reports, investigations, and the exposure of a neo-Nazi among their ranks raise concerns about the state of the Canadian Armed Forces.
An overview of a tumultuous year on the world stage, including what Rantt predicted (and didn't).
The impulsive withdrawal from Syria signals America's abandonment of both allies and principles.
When analyzing the global collaboration between radical right groups, one needs to look no further than the Trump phenomenon, Brexit, and 20th-century British history.
In a rare bipartisan vote, the Senate clearly rebuked the Trump administration's deference to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.