Articles tagged: "Turkey"
The Trump Admin’s Syria “Ceasefire” Deal Is Surrender

The Trump Admin’s Syria “Ceasefire” Deal Is Surrender

What the White House spun as a victory was actually an endorsement of Turkey's ethnic cleansing of the Kurds and a surrender to Russia and Assad.

Trump’s Reckless Incuriosity Creates Deadly Consequences

Trump’s Reckless Incuriosity Creates Deadly Consequences

Throughout his presidency, Donald Trump has made decisions without considering the consequences. Now, he has greenlit the ethnic cleansing of the Kurds.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 142nd Unpresidented Week As POTUS

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 142nd Unpresidented Week As POTUS

Over 11,000 Kurds died while fighting ISIS in the US-backed coalition. President Trump just left them to die and guaranteed the resurgence of ISIS.

Trump Adds Insult To Casualties As Turkey Kills Kurdish Civilians

Trump Adds Insult To Casualties As Turkey Kills Kurdish Civilians

Amid reports of civilian casualties by Turkish military strikes, President Trump berated the Kurds who helped America take down the ISIS caliphate.

Why Trump’s Betrayal Of The Kurds In Syria Is Such A Big Deal

Why Trump’s Betrayal Of The Kurds In Syria Is Such A Big Deal

Trump’s withdrawal from Northern Syria is allowing Turkey to slaughter the Kurds, who were key allies against ISIS. It will have dire consequences.

Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Gives Major Wins To Russia, Turkey, Iran, And ISIS

Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Gives Major Wins To Russia, Turkey, Iran, And ISIS

The impulsive withdrawal from Syria signals America's abandonment of both allies and principles.

Tensions Rise As Trump Doubles Tariffs On Turkey

Tensions Rise As Trump Doubles Tariffs On Turkey

When "strongmen" collide, their people lose.

Human Rights And Democratic Governance Are On Trial In 3 Countries

Trump Embraces Turkey’s Erdogan As His Henchmen Assault American Citizens

Turkey Has Bore The Brunt Of ISIS Attacks