Articles tagged: "Russia"
A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 78th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 78th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

President Trump stands by President Putin. And by doing so he stands against America's interests and therefore, his oath of office.

Trump Invites Dictator Who Ordered Attack On U.S. Democracy To The White House

Trump Invites Dictator Who Ordered Attack On U.S. Democracy To The White House

As President Trump invites Russian President Vladimir Putin to the White House, his Director of National Intelligence appears just as concerned as the rest of the country.

As Trump Governs For His Base, The Republican Party Is Shrinking

As Trump Governs For His Base, The Republican Party Is Shrinking

Tossing his base almost nothing but red meat and constant divisive rhetoric isn't just driving wedges between Republicans, it's making them leave the party.

Trump Was Shown Evidence That Putin Ordered Cyber Attacks On The US And Still Denied It

Trump Was Shown Evidence That Putin Ordered Cyber Attacks On The US And Still Denied It

A New York Times report demonstrates that the President has been knowingly attempting to cover up Russia's crimes against the United States. Crimes his 2016 campaign may be complicit in...

Trump Goes Off Script, Continues To Side Against The U.S. Intelligence Community On Russia

Trump Goes Off Script, Continues To Side Against The U.S. Intelligence Community On Russia

President Trump’s non-apology tour further confirms where he stands

Watch The Co-Hosts Of ‘The View’ Unanimously Blast The Trump-Putin Helsinki Summit

Watch The Co-Hosts Of ‘The View’ Unanimously Blast The Trump-Putin Helsinki Summit

The co-hosts of 'The View' break down the Trump-Putin summit, and give you the best piece of daytime television you'll see all day.

Surrender Summit In Helsinki: A Rundown Of Trump’s Capitulation To Putin On The World Stage

Surrender Summit In Helsinki: A Rundown Of Trump’s Capitulation To Putin On The World Stage

In one of the most shameful displays in American history, President Donald Trump betrayed America's interests to give a foreign adversary a return on their investment.

A Running List Of Republican Responses To The Trump-Putin Summit In Helsinki

A Running List Of Republican Responses To The Trump-Putin Summit In Helsinki

Days after Russians were indicted for election interference, President Trump sided with President Putin over the United States. What are Republicans saying?

A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 77th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 77th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

What happens when the President of the United States is a threat to the liberal world order the United States created?

12 Russian Intelligence Officials Indicted By Special Counsel Robert Mueller

12 Russian Intelligence Officials Indicted By Special Counsel Robert Mueller

The biggest development in the Russia investigation thus far.

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