Articles tagged: "Politics"
Universal Basic Income: How To Point, Fire, Aim With Macroeconomics

Universal Basic Income: How To Point, Fire, Aim With Macroeconomics

A universal basic income won’t be politically palatable or solve our core problems. But the good news is that we may not need it…

Here’s Every Action Trump Took In His Twelfth Unpresidented Week As POTUS

An Open Letter To America From An American Muslim

An Open Letter To America From An American Muslim

America needs to have a conversation with its Muslim citizens, not about them.

Taking Back Texas

Taking Back Texas

Jana Lynne Sanchez aims to unseat one of the most conservative Texans in the House of Representatives

Donald Trump Is A Clueless Mastermind Who Knows Exactly What He’s Not Doing

Donald Trump Is A Clueless Mastermind Who Knows Exactly What He’s Not Doing

Trump has been portrayed as either deviously calculated or recklessly inept…We can no longer pretend it’s both

After Crippling The State Dept, Trump Gave Himself Only Two Choices: Bomb Syria Or Do Nothing

After Crippling The State Dept, Trump Gave Himself Only Two Choices: Bomb Syria Or Do Nothing

Trump Administration’s Attitude Towards the State Department

Here’s Every Action Trump Took In His Eleventh Unpresidented Week As POTUS

Why We Can’t Retreat From Anti-Terrorism Tactics We Know Work

Why We Can’t Retreat From Anti-Terrorism Tactics We Know Work

Believe it or not, we have ways to effectively combat domestic terrorism. Let’s not jettison them for the ones we know won’t.

California Is Poised To Lead The Way In The Battle Against Federal Power

The Wiretapping Lie That Won’t Die: Trump’s Political Umbilical Cord

The Wiretapping Lie That Won’t Die: Trump’s Political Umbilical Cord

A lame attempt to create an alternative narrative

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