Rantt Media is an independently owned news company that launched in October 2016. We analyze the news, shed light on injustices, and tell the stories that matter to you.
Some advice for the Education Secretary
You don’t have to be a scientist or an engineer for steep cuts in American STEM programs to affect you, and those effects can be pretty dire, not just for you, but for the nation as a whole.
Embarrassment abroad. Trouble at home.
The proposed education budget cuts big and goes home
“Stop Violating Me” says Constitution to Trump
The election of Donald Trump has been in the works for decades.
America’s electoral system has been rigged. Not by the Russians, but by good ole fashioned gerrymandering.
Nineteen year old Gavin Nicholson discusses his experience running for City Council in Texas
Trump’s budget is a lot like Trump himself: cold, callous, myopic, and based on big, wildly unrealistic promises…
The Propaganda of Saying Everyone Else is Propaganda