Articles tagged: "Politics"
Here’s What Would Happen If Donald Trump Nuked North Korea

Here’s What Would Happen If Donald Trump Nuked North Korea

In 1945, America won the war with nukes. Today, it could end the world as we know it.

President Donald Trump Wages War On Women’s Health

President Donald Trump Wages War On Women’s Health

Women’s bodies have spent centuries existing as a political battleground, and today is no different

GOP Leaders In One Of Texas’ Largest Counties Think Charlottesville Was A Hoax

GOP Leaders In One Of Texas’ Largest Counties Think Charlottesville Was A Hoax

Conspiracy theorists control all levels of Republican politics in Denton County

GOP Backed-Privatization Brings Rural America To Its Knees

GOP Backed-Privatization Brings Rural America To Its Knees

A privately held prison closes, pushing a small American town to the brink of depression

Fact Checking Four Of The NRA’s Favorite Anti-Gun Control Myths

Fact Checking Four Of The NRA’s Favorite Anti-Gun Control Myths

The NRA almost always shapes the public debate about guns. It’s time to fact check the talking points they always use.

One Week, Two Votes For Independence, And An Uncertain Future

One Week, Two Votes For Independence, And An Uncertain Future

Catalonia and Kurdistan vie for independence, while Western countries continue to reject the status quo for the populist fringe

A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 36th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

Here In Catalonia, This Feels More Like A Revolution Than A Referendum

Trump Lets Puerto Ricans Know That He Views Them As Second Class Citizens

Trump Lets Puerto Ricans Know That He Views Them As Second Class Citizens

While the Mayor of San Juan pleads for her citizen’s lives, POTUS gets petty

The Forgotten Hillary Clinton Voter: A Profile Of The Not-So-Silent Majority

The Forgotten Hillary Clinton Voter: A Profile Of The Not-So-Silent Majority

Ignored by the media and ignited by a Trump Presidency, Rantt News spoke to the 65.8 million who refused to be relegated to the shadows

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