Rantt Media is an independently owned news company that launched in October 2016. We analyze the news, shed light on injustices, and tell the stories that matter to you.

A DC-based start-up aims to tackle the structural challenges minority entrepreneurs face to realizing their vision
This year’s retailpocalyse has many in the industry questioning the future of brick and mortar stores. Here’s why they’re wrong.
Featuring an interview with Anthony Miller, CEO of millermedia7, on the importance of companies that care.
Womentum aims to build economic momentum for women around the world.
Get ready, because baby boomers are going to balloon healthcare costs in the next decade
LobbyForMe gives a collective voice to voter frustration through organized campaigning.
The future is female and Ashley Olafsen is ready
An interview with Michael Solomon, founder of 10x Management, on the rise of the freelancer and what happens next.