The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen: All The Key Facts Debunking The Big Lie

Recounts and court cases determined the 2020 election was not stolen. The only attempt to steal the election came from Donald Trump. Here are the facts in one place.

How George Soros Became The Right’s Scapegoat

How George Soros Became The Right’s Scapegoat

Over the years, false and antisemitic attacks on George Soros have been used to undermine pro-democracy causes and the struggle to expand human rights.

100+ Examples Of Donald Trump’s Corruption

100+ Examples Of Donald Trump’s Corruption

From his many frauds as a businessman to his authoritarian administration, Donald Trump has lived a life of corruption and criminality. We've compiled all of his publicly known corrupt acts in one place.

Did The US Just Pressure Kosovo To Oust Their Prime Minister?

Did The US Just Pressure Kosovo To Oust Their Prime Minister?

A no-confidence vote in southeast Europe in the shadow of COVID-19.

Adam Schiff Made The Case For The Soul Of America

Adam Schiff Made The Case For The Soul Of America

In his effort to sway an impossible Republican Senate jury, Schiff’s performance in the impeachment trial is one for the history books.

How Humans Contribute To Climate Change, By The Numbers

How Humans Contribute To Climate Change, By The Numbers

The recent man-made Amazon fires endanger 20% of Earth’s oxygen. Here's a look at some of the other ways humans contribute to climate change.

Trump Wraps Himself In The Flag For Partisan Advantage

Trump Wraps Himself In The Flag For Partisan Advantage

Under the guise of patriotism, President Trump seeks to criminalize dissent.

We Can’t Let Trump Make Us Forget Our Common Humanity

We Can’t Let Trump Make Us Forget Our Common Humanity

What an old Latino farmworker's act of kindness can teach us about restoring basic human decency in the age of President Trump.

The Under-Discussed Corruption Scandals Between 1961-2016

The Under-Discussed Corruption Scandals Between 1961-2016

Each corruption scandal included much greater harm to Americans than just a few people in power getting rich.

Mueller Probe Is Cheaper And More Efficient Than Past Probes

Mueller Probe Is Cheaper And More Efficient Than Past Probes

President Trump and the GOP claim that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation is overlong and too expensive. The opposite is true.

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