Articles tagged: "Republican Party"
As QAnon Spreads, Social Media Companies Finally Step Up

As QAnon Spreads, Social Media Companies Finally Step Up

QAnon is engulfing the GOP and proliferating on social media. While they've failed in the past, social media companies are now taking this threat more seriously.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 185th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 185th Unpresidented Week As POTUS

President Trump signed hollow, ineffective, and unconstitutional executive actions after rejecting Democratic efforts to compromise on coronavirus relief.

The Dark Money That Fuels Radical Right Ideology

The Dark Money That Fuels Radical Right Ideology

Behind the radical right political and media machine is a vast interconnected network of financiers who collaborate to push their democracy-eroding agendas.

Trump Is A Sinking Ship Taking The GOP With Him

Trump Is A Sinking Ship Taking The GOP With Him

Republicans tied their political fate to Donald Trump. Trump swept them into power in 2016 and it's likely he will leave the party in shambles in 2020.

The GOP Is Now The Party Of QAnon

The GOP Is Now The Party Of QAnon

Selling fear and division is the bread and butter of Republican campaigning. But with more Americans tolerant of racial differences, Republicans are now diving into the realm of conspiracy.

Coronavirus Failures Put “Safe” GOP Seats In Play

Coronavirus Failures Put “Safe” GOP Seats In Play

As the coronavirus takes hold in red states, a reckoning is brewing for Republicans who failed to take the crisis seriously.

Republicans Are Complicit In Trump’s Capitulation To Russia

Republicans Are Complicit In Trump’s Capitulation To Russia

Republicans have always enabled and actively participated in Trump's capitulation to Russia. Now, Russia has targeted American troops and they do nothing.

SCOTUS Ruling Is One Step In LGBT+ Fight Against GOP Oppression

SCOTUS Ruling Is One Step In LGBT+ Fight Against GOP Oppression

While the Supreme Court’s decision to protect LGBT+ rights in the workplace is historic, President Trump and the GOP's assault on the community continues.

Trump Is Losing Support Among White Evangelical Voters

Trump Is Losing Support Among White Evangelical Voters

One of Trump’s most supportive demographics is showing signs of stepping away. A larger exodus would severely damage his chance at reelection.

What Will Trump Do If Loses His 2020 Re-Election Bid?

What Will Trump Do If Loses His 2020 Re-Election Bid?

After Trump's authoritarian response to the George Floyd protests, the question of how he will react to losing re-election is increasingly important.

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