Articles tagged: "Politics"
President Trump’s Unethical Actions Invite Impeachment

President Trump’s Unethical Actions Invite Impeachment

State Department or TrumpTravel Agency?

The “Political Revolution” Must Include Women And Minorities

The “Political Revolution” Must Include Women And Minorities

If Bernie Sanders wants to be the champion of the 99%, he should start with the issues affecting those in the greatest need

Trusting Your Internet Service Provider To Handle Net Neutrality Is A Terrible Idea

Trusting Your Internet Service Provider To Handle Net Neutrality Is A Terrible Idea

You Know it. I Know it. Why doesn’t FCC Chairman Pai believe it?

Nuclear Fusion Could Give Us Unlimited Clean Energy… But It’s Underfunded

Nuclear Fusion Could Give Us Unlimited Clean Energy… But It’s Underfunded

Nuclear fusion, the ultimate energy source of the future, used to be overhyped and overly ambitious. But after decades of budget cuts and ridicule, it’s facing the exact opposite problem…

In Defense Of Obama’s $400,000 Speech

In Defense Of Obama’s $400,000 Speech

Marketable politicians shouldn’t be criticized for making great money. That money helps to keep them out of office when their time is done…

Bernie Sanders Has Always Sacrificed Pragmatism For Idealism, But Now It’s Hurting Democrats

That’s One Small Comment For Trump, One Giant Miscue For Space Exploration

That’s One Small Comment For Trump, One Giant Miscue For Space Exploration

NASA needs a firm hand and leadership with a vision if we want it to land people on Mars. It’s not going to get it anytime soon.

America Is A Country For Old Men. And That’s A Huge Problem…

America Is A Country For Old Men. And That’s A Huge Problem…

While our media may be obsessed with youth, our politics are dominated by senior citizens and their priorities, and that’s taking its toll on younger generations

Everyone Is Calling The DNC Unity Tour A Disaster. That’s Not True. I Was There.

Everyone Is Calling The DNC Unity Tour A Disaster. That’s Not True. I Was There.

Sanders and Perez took to the road to bring the party together.

Too Many Journalists Are Still In Denial About Their Role In Defeating Hillary Clinton

Too Many Journalists Are Still In Denial About Their Role In Defeating Hillary Clinton

If we don’t learn from our mistakes, we’re doomed to repeat them

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