Articles tagged: "Alabama"
GOP Lawmaker’s Celebration Of KKK Leader Forces Racial Reckoning In Alabama

GOP Lawmaker’s Celebration Of KKK Leader Forces Racial Reckoning In Alabama

The backlash to Alabama State Rep. Will Dismukes's celebration of the 1st KKK Grand Wizard Nathan Bedford Forrest marks a shift in the state — or at least a beginning

Restrictive Abortion Laws Aren’t Pro-Life. They’re Anti-Women.

Restrictive Abortion Laws Aren’t Pro-Life. They’re Anti-Women.

From Alabama to Georgia to Ohio, women’s bodies and economic mobility are being put on the front lines of a political battle.

On The Ground In Alabama, Democrats Fight For The Moral Core Of Their State

On The Ground In Alabama, Democrats Fight For The Moral Core Of Their State

Alabama Democrats work overtime to save their state from national embarrassment, while GOP quietly roots for a pedophile