
Why The Kremlin Probably Didn’t Hack Qatar’s State News

Why The Kremlin Probably Didn’t Hack Qatar’s State News

Qatar’s enemies are much closer than Moscow, and they’ve been sharpening their knives for a while now…

Why Terrorists Love Climate Change (Even If They Don’t Know It)

Why Terrorists Love Climate Change (Even If They Don’t Know It)

Climate change contributed to the creation of ISIS. If we do nothing about it, we may end up with even more terror-harboring states…

This Is (Still) Our Best Shot At Taking Down A Nuclear Warhead

This Is (Still) Our Best Shot At Taking Down A Nuclear Warhead

Missile defense has been openly mocked as impractical and less than reliable since the 1980s. But we need to stop just criticizing and have a serious talk about how to make it work.

When You Cut Science Programs, Everyone Suffers. Including You.

When You Cut Science Programs, Everyone Suffers. Including You.

You don’t have to be a scientist or an engineer for steep cuts in American STEM programs to affect you, and those effects can be pretty dire, not just for you, but for the nation as a whole.

Why You Might Want To Consider Saving For A Ticket To Mars

Why You Might Want To Consider Saving For A Ticket To Mars

Amazingly, space exploration, the kind we often read about in sci-fi novels may be just around the corner. And if you think long term, you and your children might be able to get in on it…

Hacking Politicians — So Hot Right Now. Here’s How Not To Get Burned.

Hacking Politicians — So Hot Right Now. Here’s How Not To Get Burned.

Nowadays, you’re either a nobody or a far right populist unless your e-mails are dumped on WikiLeaks. But there are things you can do to make it a lot more difficult for that to happen…

How Climate Change Will Slowly Poison Our Seafood

How Climate Change Will Slowly Poison Our Seafood

Toxic algal blooms are on the rise thanks to warming oceans, and that’s bad news for nations that rely on calories from seafood…

Why Silicon Valley Can’t “Disruptively” Vote Its Way To Digital Immortality

Why Silicon Valley Can’t “Disruptively” Vote Its Way To Digital Immortality

What happens when voters make decisions based on the belief that someday soon, scientists and engineers will turn them into immortal robots or web-enabled software?

Nuclear Fusion Could Give Us Unlimited Clean Energy… But It’s Underfunded

Nuclear Fusion Could Give Us Unlimited Clean Energy… But It’s Underfunded

Nuclear fusion, the ultimate energy source of the future, used to be overhyped and overly ambitious. But after decades of budget cuts and ridicule, it’s facing the exact opposite problem…

Artificial Wombs, Coming Soon To A Hospital Near You?

Artificial Wombs, Coming Soon To A Hospital Near You?

Scientists have taken a big step towards artificial wombs and it could start saving premature babies within a decade

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