Interview: Rep. Jim McGovern Says Trump Ignores Human Rights Abuses

Interview: Rep. Jim McGovern Says Trump Ignores Human Rights Abuses

In an interview with The Hardy Report podcast, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) discusses his work advocating for human rights around the world and his solutions to the problems that exist in China and Myanmar.

SCOTUS Ruling Is One Step In LGBT+ Fight Against GOP Oppression

SCOTUS Ruling Is One Step In LGBT+ Fight Against GOP Oppression

While the Supreme Court’s decision to protect LGBT+ rights in the workplace is historic, President Trump and the GOP's assault on the community continues.

Trump Is Now A Recession President

Trump Is Now A Recession President

Trump's failed response to the coronavirus pandemic triggered a recession that was made worse by his economic policies, damaging his re-election chances.

Social Media Needs To Do More To Tackle Disinformation

Social Media Needs To Do More To Tackle Disinformation

Social media companies have failed to contain disinformation. These companies, Facebook especially, have a moral and ethical duty to do so.

Interview: Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig Talks Electoral Reform

Interview: Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig Talks Electoral Reform

In an interview with The Hardy Report podcast, Lawrence Lessig discusses his proposal for fixing America’s broken electoral system.

GOP’s False Cries Of Mail-In Voter Fraud Are A Voter Suppression Tactic

GOP’s False Cries Of Mail-In Voter Fraud Are A Voter Suppression Tactic

President Trump and the Republican Party have ramped up their assault on voting rights in an effort to undermine US democracy and steal the 2020 election.

Interview: Parkland Dad Fred Guttenberg Talks Gun Violence & 2020

Interview: Parkland Dad Fred Guttenberg Talks Gun Violence & 2020

In an interview with The Hardy Report podcast, Fred Guttenberg discusses honoring his daughter Jaime, gun reform, and the 2020 election.

By Firing 5 Inspectors General, Trump Wages War On Accountability

By Firing 5 Inspectors General, Trump Wages War On Accountability

Over the course of six weeks, 5 inspectors general were fired for investigating Trump administration corruption. Trump seeks to turn watchdogs into lapdogs.

Here’s Why Donald Trump Is So Nervous About The Election

Here’s Why Donald Trump Is So Nervous About The Election

President Trump's negligent handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has damaged his re-election prospects so thoroughly, it has his campaign in panic mode.

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