Who Is Hakeem Jeffries? (Record & Background)

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (Official Photo)
Who Is Hakeem Jeffries?
Hakeem Jeffries is a U.S. Congressman representing the eighth District of New York, which includes large portions of Brooklyn and a section of Queens. As the Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, Jeffries is the fifth highest-ranking Democrat in the House and is the former Whip of the Congressional Black Caucus. He also previously co-chaired the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee.
Congressman Jeffries attended State University of New York at Binghamton, where he obtained an undergraduate degree with honors in political science. His Master’s Degree was acquired from Georgetown University, then attended New York University School of Law, where he graduated magna cum laude. Prior to serving the public as a Congressman, Jeffries was a practicing lawyer.
How long has Hakeem Jeffries been a congressman?
Hakeem Jeffries began his political career in the New York State Assembly, serving six terms from 2007-2012. In 2012, he was first elected to serve as the Congressman for the eighth District of New York. Jeffries is currently in his fourth term, succeeding Edolphus Towns (D-NY) after redistricting and Towns’ subsequent retirement.
What committees does Hakeem Jeffries belong to?
Congressman Jeffries currently sits on two House Committees:
Judiciary Committee – Jeffries sits on two Subcommittees on the Judiciary Committee: the Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet and the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations. Jeffries has served on the Judiciary Committee since his first term in 2013.
Budget Committee – Jeffries has sat on this important Committee since 2013, with the exception of the 2015-2016 Congress, when he sat on the Education and Workforce Committee.
Hakeem Jeffries’s record as a congressman.
Congressman Jeffries has been an integral part of authoring or passing several key pieces of legislation in his federal career. He was the lead Democratic sponsor of the bipartisan FIRST STEP Act, which helps incarcerated individuals get the mental health treatment, substance abuse help, and educational assistance to become contributing members of society. This act has been signed into law.
Jeffries also played a key role in the passage of the Music Modernization Act to update the country’s copyright laws, making sure artists receive fair compensation. The Keep America’s Refuges Operational Act was authored by Jeffries and was passed in a bipartisan vote, helping to ensure our natural refuges will remain in functioning condition.
Jeffries has also been a staunch ally of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and backed her in her 2018 bid for the Speakership.
Looking to make a difference? Consider signing one of these sponsored petitions:When is Hakeem Jeffries up for re-election?
Along with every House member, Hakeem Jeffries is up for reelection in 2020. He does not have a Democratic challenger in the primary race, and no Republican opponent has announced plans to run in that district either. Hillary Clinton won this district with 59.01% of the vote in 2016.
Personal details about Hakeem Jeffries.
Age: 49
Birthday: August 4
Religion: Baptist
Spouse: Kennisandra Arciniegas
Hometown: Crown Heights, NY
Education: Doctor of Jurisprudence Degree
Twitter: @RepJeffries
The Rantt rundown.
Congressman Hakeem Jeffries is a four-term leader in the House, reaching across the aisle to produce popular and substantial bipartisan legislation. He is a lifelong New Yorker, and represents a Democratic-leaning district very close to where he grew up. Watch for this Congressman to continue to work on authoring and passing bipartisan legislation that benefits wide swaths of the electorate.

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