A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 193rd Unpresidented Week As POTUS

President Trump departing the White House for Walter Reed Medical Center and Dr. Sean Conley giving a weekend press briefing on Trump’s health. (C-SPAN)
Trump’s first major typo after winning the election was spelling Unprecedented incorrectly. He infamously tweeted “Unpresidented.” This typo is emblematic of his administration: An impulsive, frantically thrown together group of characters with virtually no oversight. After Trump was sworn in, I started writing the weekly “Unpresidented” column, analyzing every week of his presidency. This is week 193.
I want to start this article by saying that all of us at Rantt Media, along with the rest of the country, wish President Trump a speedy recovery. We also wish his team would stop lying to us about the health of the President of the United States, just as they lied to us throughout the course of this pandemic. Now, more than ever, we need this administration to be straightforward with us and they are refusing to do so.
The President of the United States is hospitalized for a deadly disease, and his comorbidities put him at higher risk of serious illness. Meanwhile, his doctor was telling us he’s doing well while his Chief of Staff was leaking to the press that his condition has been “very concerning.” After President Trump tweeted out his diagnosis, the White House said President Trump had mild symptoms. Then, he was suddenly admitted to Walter Reed Medical Center. Let’s take a look at how we’ve been misled throughout the course of this past week.
After flouting CDC guidelines for months, the White House is now a victim of their own failures to contain coronavirus. We first found out about Hope Hicks’s positive COVID-19 test from Bloomberg reporter Jennifer Jacobs. How long would they have waited to tell us if she didn’t report it? They did not immediately alert Biden’s campaign and others who were in contact with Trump’s team. It appears they were trying to keep this quiet. Now, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that President Trump knew early on Thursday evening and didn’t disclose it on his Fox News interview.
It’s also not clear when exactly President Trump contracted COVID-19, but he likely contracted it between Friday and Wednesday. Last Saturday’s Amy Coney Barrett maskless nomination event appears to have been a superspreader. So far, those who attended the event and subsequently tested positive include, President Trump, Melania Trump, Hope Hicks, Trump Campaign Manager Bill Stepien, Kellyanne Conway, Senator Mike Lee, Senator Thom Tillis, Notre Dame President Jenkins, former Governor Chris Christie, and 3 White House reporters.
There were also 11 people who tested positive that attended Tuesday’s debate. RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tested positive and was in contact with the president on Friday. Senator Ron Johnson has also tested positive as well. We still don’t know when President Trump’s last negative test was. And we’re not getting any clarity from President Trump’s team of doctors.
As I also wrote in The Independent, this White House and Trump’s physician Dr. Sean Conley have given us a flurry of misinformation:
Just look at the way the White House handled White House advisor Hope Hicks’s Wednesday Covid-19 diagnosis. Chief of staff Mark Meadows said the White House learned of her diagnosis just as Marine One was taking off on Wednesday. That means president Trump still attended a fundraiser knowing that he had been exposed to the virus and still engaged with 100 people.
On Saturday morning, Trump’s doctors raised even more questions. They would not clearly answer whether Trump has ever been on oxygen. Multiple reporters subsequently reported they believed he had been on Friday. One of the doctors, Dr Conley, said we are 72 hours into Trump’s diagnosis, even though we first learned only 36 hours ago. Dr Conley later tried to walk this back, stating that Trump’s diagnosis came on Thursday evening. Dr Conley’s statements about Trump doing well were also contradicted by the White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, who told reporters that Trump went through a “very concerning” past 24 hours. This is when we need absolute transparency and honesty from the White House most, and we’re not getting it.
On top of this, President Trump is currently taking powerful drugs that indicate his condition is worse than his doctors are presenting telling the public. Trump is reportedly furious with Meadows about telling the truth. On Sunday, Dr. Conley further contradicted his earlier statements by confirming that President Trump was indeed on oxygen on Friday. This was after directly saying that wasn’t the case the day before:
Dr. Conley just confirmed that Trump was on oxygen on Friday.
On Saturday, Dr. Conley said: “Yesterday and today, he was not on oxygen.”
Dr. Conley lied.pic.twitter.com/3Qp425iEpg
— Rantt Media (@RanttMedia) October 4, 2020
Dr. Conley didn’t just refuse to answer whether Trump had oxygen, he outright lied and said that Trump wasn’t on oxygen on Friday or Saturday. These are just pointless lies that further erode their credibility. How can we trust anything they say about his condition?
In response to why he misled the American people, Dr. Conley told reporters: “I was trying to reflect the upbeat attitude that the team, the president, that his course of illness has had. I didn’t want to give any information that might steer the course of illness in another direction.”
How exactly would telling the truth “steer the course of illness in another direction”? It’s clear that Dr. Conley was trying to placate President Trump, who has reportedly been obsessing over the coverage from inside Walter Reed. Dr. Conley is yet another example in a long line of Trump officials that proves you either continue working for Trump long enough to see yourself get corrupted or you resign/get fired for doing the right thing.
The White House also tried to prop President Trump as if he is still actively working. The images they released were very clearly staged.
The photos released by the WH tonight of the president working at Walter Reed were taken 10 minutes apart at 5:25:59 pm and 5:35:40 pm ET Saturday, according to the EXIF data embedded in both @AP wire postings that were shared by the White House this evening. pic.twitter.com/EzeqIkGdf7
— Jon Ostrower (@jonostrower) October 4, 2020
ZOOM: @realDonaldTrump appears to be signing his name to a blank sheet of paper in this photo. pic.twitter.com/xlNX24CXn4
— Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) October 4, 2020
When you have the president signing blank pieces of paper to make it appear he’s not very sick, is satire even possible anymore? The White House’s messaging right now has gone full Weekend At Bernie’s. Meanwhile, Democratic nominee Joe Biden has responded to this situation with grace, taking down all negative ads and wishing President Trump well.
Given this vacuum of accurate information about President Trump’s condition, there will be bad-faith actors who try and take advantage of this situation. Social media companies need to prepare for the incoming flood of right-wing conspiracy theories about Trump’s COVID diagnosis. They will only get worse if Trump gets really sick. Given the right’s susceptibility to extremism, disinformation alleging Trump was targeted is dangerous.
Of course, that was just the final part of this week, a lot more happened. We have to at least briefly talk about Tuesday’s debate and some of the key moments.
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My broad takeaways from the debate: President Trump lost. He needed to make up ground and likely only deepened his unfavorables with his depraved behavior. Trump was an unhinged lying mess. His worst moments were not condemning white supremacy, mocking Biden for wearing a mask, and attacking Biden’s living son while he talked about his dead son. Biden still managed to hit his key points, flexed his empathy, and stood his ground against Trump’s onslaught of interruptions. Trump’s “cognitive decline” narrative about Biden is completely dead. Chris Wallace didn’t do a good job of moderating and the lack of fact-checking wasn’t a good idea.
We have to also remember Biden is ahead by double digits in multiple national polls and crushing Trump in multiple swing states. It was on Trump to start making up ground and close that gap. He did nothing but harm himself. It’s October so he doesn’t have much time to turn this around. Overall it was chaotic, but a net positive for Biden, as polls would later indicate.
Before President Trump’s positive COVID-19 diagnosis, we were in a seemingly endless news cycle about President Trump’s failure to condemn white supremacy and “stand back and stand by” comments he made to the Proud Boys. I just have to say the fact the Proud Boys and other modern neo-fascist white supremacist groups don’t feel the need to wear hoods and hide their identities is a scary development in American racism and why Donald Trump’s coddling of white supremacists is so dangerous. We need to get to a place where white supremacists aren’t “proud” anymore.
Let’s dive into another Unpresidented week as we head into what will surely be another week for the history books.
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Day 1,348: Monday, September 28

Donald Trump stands with Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. before he speaks at a press conference at Trump Tower on January 11, 2017 in New York City. (AP)
Monday’s top stories:
- CNN: New York Times: Trump paid no income taxes in 10 out of 15 years beginning in 2000
- Bloomberg: Trump Faces New Scrutiny of Personal Finances Weeks Before Vote
- NBC News: Kamala Harris to Trump: Who do you owe the money to?
- The Hill: GOP senators confident Trump pick to be confirmed by November
- Politico: Pelosi and Mnuchin make one final attempt at Covid talks before elections
- USA TODAY: Ballistics report doesn’t support Kentucky AG’s claim that Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend shot cop
- Politico: Trump sought deals with Moscow mayor
- Bloomberg: Census Judge ‘Disturbed’ by Rush to Finish, Demands Explanation
- Sun-Sentinel: Former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale hospitalized after he was armed and threatening to harm himself, Fort Lauderdale police say
- Vox: Experts say Covid-19 cases are likely about to surge
- HuffPost: COVID-19 Surging In Trump’s Red States Just Weeks Before Election
- Axios: Fauci: Some of what Fox News reports about COVID-19 is “outlandish”
- NBC News: Redfield voices alarm over influence of Trump’s new coronavirus task force adviser
- Los Angeles Times: 3 found dead in latest California wildfires as wine country remains under siege
- Business Insider: Trump’s 2016 election targeted 3.5 million Black Americans with attack ads to deter them from voting, according to report
- Vox: Joe Biden maintains a steady lead over Donald Trump in national polling
- The Daily Beast: Trump’s ‘Peace Deal’ Fuels Orgy of Mideast Arms Sales Not Seen Since the Cold War
- The Guardian: Syrian rebel fighters prepare to deploy to Azerbaijan in sign of Turkey’s ambition
- Rantt Media: Orwellian Projection: Right-Wing Authoritarians Accuse The Left Of Authoritarianism
- The Guardian: Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson endorses Joe Biden in US presidential election
The First Trump-Biden Debate
Day 1,349: Tuesday, September 29
Tuesday’s top stories:
- CNN: Trump refuses to condemn White supremacists at presidential debate
- CNN: CNN Poll: 6 in 10 say Biden won the debate
- The New York Times: Proud Boys celebrate Trump’s ‘stand by’ remark about them at the debate.
- Vanity Fair: Trump Interrupts Joe Biden Talking About Dead Son To Call The One That‘s Still Alive A Deadbeat
- CNN: Trump unleashes avalanche of repeat lies at first presidential debate
- Politico: Biden campaign faces questions about whether he should skip next debates
- Bloomberg: Biden Adds Pressure on Trump With Pre-Debate Dump of Tax Returns
- NBC News: Coordinated push of groundless conspiracy theories target Biden hours before debate
- Rantt Media: ICE’s Pattern Of Abuse: From Forced Hysterectomies To Sexual Assault
- CBS News: Coronavirus has killed more than 1 million people worldwide
- The Washington Post: Kentucky attorney general will share Breonna Taylor grand jury recording after juror calls for release
- CNN: Entire California city of Calistoga is evacuated as Glass Fire closes in
- Axios: CDC director overruled by White House on extending cruise-ship ban
- CBS News: $2.2 trillion HEROES Act includes second round of stimulus checks
- USA TODAY: ‘Multiple’ people dead following ‘hostage situation’ in Salem, Oregon State Police investigating
- Politico: Trump’s tax troubles couldn’t have come at a worse time
- The Hill: Voter registration spiked in days immediately following Ruth Bader Ginsburg death
- ABC News: In Pennsylvania, advantage Biden with a big boost from women: POLL
- CNN: Ohio Democrats think Biden can win the state and urge campaign to go all in
- Sky News: Joe Biden: Democratic presidential candidate nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Labour MP Chris Bryant
- CNN: America’s CEOs say Trump failed on coronavirus — and they’re backing Biden
- CNN: Disney is laying off 28,000 employees as pandemic hammers its theme parks
- Politico: Intel chief releases Russian disinfo on Hillary Clinton that was rejected by bipartisan Senate panel
Post-Debate Fallout
Day 1,350: Wednesday, September 30

Joe Biden (Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons) and Donald Trump (AP)
Wednesday’s top stories:
- NBC News: Biden slams Trump’s debate showing as ‘national embarrassment,’ presses commission for changes
- ABC News: Trump denies knowing who ‘Proud Boys’ are, again declines to condemn white supremacy by name
- CNN: Commission on Presidential Debates says it will make changes to format to ‘ensure a more orderly discussion’
- The Washington Post: The covid-19 recession is the most unequal in modern U.S. history
- CNBC: House delays vote on $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill to allow more time for talks\
- CNBC: Senate passes spending bill to prevent government shutdown, sends it to Trump
- Politico: Biden smashes fundraising records during chaotic debate
- The Nation: As Trump Equivocates on White Supremacy, the FBI Warns of Right-Wing Terror
- CBS News: Trump encourages supporters to independently monitor polling places — a federal crime
- The Hill: Nevada attorney general warns Trump is telling supporters to intimidate at polls
- Bloomberg: Trump’s Voter Fraud Claims Are ‘Fiction,’ Montana Judge Says
- The Hill: Judge orders DOJ to publish info redacted as privileged from Mueller report
- CNN: More than 1 million ballots have already been cast in the 2020 presidential election
- Bloomberg: The First Female Recession Threatens to Wipe Out Decades of Progress for U.S. Women
- CBS News: NYC to fine people who refuse to wear masks as COVID-19 positive rate tops 3% for first time in months
- NBC News: Progressives dismiss Trump’s effort to splinter Democrats
- CBS News: Moderna CEO says its coronavirus vaccine won’t be ready until spring of next year
- The Atlantic: A Far-Right, Pro-Trump Militant Group Has Recruited Thousands of Police, Soldiers, and Veterans
- Politico: Parscale steps away from Trump campaign as wife denies physical abuse
- Vox: Pope Francis refused to meet with Mike Pompeo so as not to boost Trump
- Rantt Media: What Will Trump’s Base Do If He Loses?
Hope Hicks Tests Positive For Coronavirus
Day 1,351: Thursday, October 1
Hope Hicks boards Air Force One on Wednesday. https://t.co/pufjS7ZGYA pic.twitter.com/2kaNK7DYHt
— The Hill (@thehill) October 2, 2020
Thursday’s top stories:
- ABC News: Hope Hicks, one of President Trump’s closest advisers, tests positive for coronavirus
- NBC News: Barrett’s participation in 2006 ad calling for overturn of Roe v. Wade was not included in Senate disclosures
- CNN: White House shows no signs of backing down from Trump’s refusal to condemn White supremacy
- CNN: Texas governor limits election drop boxes to one per county in sprawling state
- Axios: House passes revised $2.2 trillion stimulus bill
- CNN: McConnell moves to protect vulnerable Republicans on health care after Schumer’s rare effort to force vote
- FiveThirtyEight: Trump’s Chances Are Dwindling. That Could Make Him Dangerous.
- USA TODAY: 1,600 former Justice Department lawyers accuse Barr of using DOJ to help Trump in election
- Reuters: Exclusive: Over 50 Republican former U.S. national security officials join Biden endorsement
- Politico: Trump signs stopgap spending measure to avert a shutdown
- USA TODAY: Trump administration slashes refugee program amid president’s campaign attacks on immigrants
- NBC News: DHS memo told officials to make comments favorable to Kenosha shootings suspect
- CNN: The Glass and Zogg Fires are less than 10% contained and threaten even more destruction
- The New York Times: Study Finds ‘Single Largest Driver’ of Coronavirus Misinformation: Trump
- Reuters: Facebook bans U.S. ads that call voting fraud widespread or election invalid
- Politico: Conservative conspiracists Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman charged in voter suppression probe
- NPR: Fewer People May Vote By Mail Than Expected. That Could Mean Election Day ‘Chaos’
- Politico: Trump’s ex-national security adviser says president is ‘aiding and abetting’ Putin
- BBC: Alexei Navalny blames Vladimir Putin for poisoning him
- Business Insider: The EU triggers legal action against the UK for breaking the Brexit deal
- The Hill: LeBron James recruits 10,000 poll volunteers to assist in Black districts
Trump Contracts COVID-19, Goes To Walter Reed
Day 1,352: Friday, October 2

President Trump arrives at Walter Reed Medical Center on Friday, October 4, 2020. (C-SPAN)
Friday’s top stories:
- Bloomberg: Trump Tests Positive for Covid, Roiling Campaign and White House
- CNN: Trump taken to Walter Reed medical center and will be hospitalized ‘for the next few days’
- NPR: Biden And Harris Test Negative For The Coronavirus, Wish Trumps Swift Recovery
- CNN: GOP senators on Judiciary panel test positive for Covid-19 days after Trump’s Rose Garden Supreme Court announcement
- USA TODAY: President Donald Trump’s coronavirus test result could alter his reelection campaign, undercut pandemic messaging
- Slate: The White House Knew Trump Had Likely Been Exposed to the Virus. He Traveled and Held Events Anyway.
- Axios: Three journalists working at White House test positive for COVID-19
- NBC News: 11 positive coronavirus tests traced to presidential debate, Cleveland officials say
- USA TODAY: Breonna Taylor case: Grand jury recordings detail conflicting accounts of fatal shooting
- Politico: McConnell vows ‘full steam ahead’ on Barrett as fears rise of virus outbreak
- NBC News: More wildfire evacuations ordered as Northern California braces for powerful winds
- The Washington Post: Pelosi anticipates reaching economic relief deal with Mnuchin, saying Trump diagnosis ‘changes the dynamic’
- CNN: Secretly recorded tapes show Melania Trump’s frustration at criticism for family separation policy and her bashing of Christmas decorations
- The Daily Beast: Three Minnesota Congressmen Flew on Air Force One With Trump, Hope Hicks Just Before Diagnosis
- Politico: Biden campaign lodges ‘health and safety’ objection over VP debate
- NBC News: U.S. state, local election computer networks still vulnerable to hacks
- HuffPost: Facebook Ban On Paid Ads Discrediting Election Won’t Stop Trump In His Regular Posts
- Forbes: Democrats Net Half A Billion Dollars On ActBlue In Two Weeks Since Ginsburg Death
- Mother Jones: 17 Republicans just voted against a resolution to condemn QAnon. We asked them all why.
- Rantt Media: Trump Supporters Need To Ask Themselves Some Tough Questions