Articles tagged: ""
Rabbi: Trump’s Anti-Semitism Executive Order Is Anti-Semitic

Rabbi: Trump’s Anti-Semitism Executive Order Is Anti-Semitic

President Trump's effort to define Judaism as a nationality codifies the dual loyalty anti-Semitic slur, which Trump has used on many occasions, into law.

Rabbi: Trump’s Use Of Jews In His Culture War Is Anti-Semitic

Rabbi: Trump’s Use Of Jews In His Culture War Is Anti-Semitic

President Trump continues to use anti-Semitic tropes as he tries to turn American Jews against the Democratic Party. We see right through him.

My Jewish Great Aunts Didn’t Die In The Holocaust For The GOP To Appease Neo-Nazis

My Jewish Great Aunts Didn’t Die In The Holocaust For The GOP To Appease Neo-Nazis

As the nation mourns the deadliest attack on Jews in U.S. history, President Trump and the GOP continue to spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.