Omarosa Says She Was Offered Hush Money And There’s Tape Of Trump Saying The N-Word

President Donald Trump walks on the South Lawn of the White House after stepping off Marine One, Thursday, July 26, 2018, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
In her new book “Unhinged,” Omarosa Manigault Newman makes some explosive claims about her time in the White House. Omarosa pans President Trump an unhinged “racist, misogynist and bigot.” From claiming she was contacted by the FBI to claims that she was offered hush money payments, this book is full of bombshell claims.
One of the claims receiving a lot of attention (although not confirmed) is that there is a tape of Donald Trump repeatedly saying the word “nigger” while on the set of his NBC show “The Apprentice.”
“It had finally sunk in that the person I’d thought I’d known so well for so long was actually a racist. Using the N-word was not just the way he talks but, more disturbing, it was how he thought of me and African Americans as a whole.”
Omarosa went on to talk about her alleged search for the tape after reports of its existence came at the end of 2016.
“By that point, three sources in three separate conversations had described the contents of this tape. They all told me that President Trump hadn’t just dropped a single n-word bomb. He’d said it multiple times throughout the show’s taping during off-camera outtakes, particularly during the first season of the Apprentice.”
After the “Access Hollywood” tape leaked in 2016, rumors mounted that there is unaired footage on “The Apprentice” of Trump making derogatory statements about women and minorities. Apprentice creator Mark Burnett responded to the 2016 rumors with threats of litigation against anyone who leaked. It’s unclear if the tapes exist or whether or not we’ll ever see them.
Another claim that was made in Omarosa’s book is that she was offered a job and a $15,000 a month hush money payment to keep quiet about her time in the White House. This claim has been corroborated by sources who spoke to The Washington Post:
Omarosa Manigault Newman was offered a $15,000-a-month contract from President Trump’s campaign to stay silent after being fired from her job as a White House aide by Chief of Staff John F. Kelly last December, according to a forthcoming book by Manigault Newman and people familiar with the proposal.
After she was fired, Manigault Newman wrote, she received a call from Trump campaign adviser Lara Trump, the president’s daughter-in-law, offering her a job and the monthly contract in exchange for her silence.
The proposed nondisclosure agreement allegedly said Manigault Newman could not make any comments about President Trump or his family; Vice President Pence or his family; or any comments that could damage the president. It said she would do “diversity outreach,” among other things, for the campaign, according to her account.
“The NDA attached to the email was as harsh and restrictive as any I’d seen in all my years of television,” Manigault Newman writes in the book.
Notably, this was using Trump campaign funds. Further bolstering the likelihood of this claim the fact President Trump’s longtime bodyguard Keith Schiller was offered a similar amount from the Republican National Committee after he left the White House. Unlike Omarosa, Schiller took the offer.
It’s also important to note that President Trump has made hush money payments to suppress stories about his alleged affairs with former Playboy model Karen McDougal and pornstar Stormy Daniels. Trump was caught on tape by his former “fixer” Michael Cohen talking about the payments to McDougal.
Speaking of Michael Cohen, there’s a noteworthy excerpt in the book that recalls an alleged meeting between him and the President:
In early 2017, Manigault Newman says she walked Michael Cohen, then Trump’s personal lawyer, into the Oval Office for a meeting with Trump — and saw the president chewing up a piece of paper while Cohen was leaving the office. Another White House official confirmed that Manigault Newman brought Cohen into the White House and was later rebuked for it. The two remain in contact, according to people familiar with the relationship.
“I saw him put a note in his mouth. Since Trump was ever the germaphobe, I was shocked he appeared to be chewing and swallowing the paper. It must have been something very, very sensitive,” she writes in her book.
Although many people have disputed Omarosa’s claims, the author of the The Washington Post report, Josh Dawsey, I linked above claims he heard the tapes:
Some of Omarosa’s claims are entirely unverifiable. But having listened to several of the recordings she made, they match quotations in the book.
— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) August 10, 2018
The White House has released a statement slamming Omarosa and her book:
“Instead of telling the truth about all the good President Trump and his administration are doing to make America safe and prosperous, this book is riddled with lies and false accusations. It’s sad that a disgruntled former White House employee is trying to profit off these false attacks, and even worse that the media would now give her a platform, after not taking her seriously when she had only positive things to say about the president during her time in the administration.”