Trump’s Presidency Reveals Serious Flaws In Constitution

Trump’s Presidency Reveals Serious Flaws In Constitution

The Constitution leaves a lot up to the character of the president. More norms should be laws, the electoral college should be reformed, and there must be better mechanisms for accountability.

The GOP Is The Anti-Democracy Party

The GOP Is The Anti-Democracy Party

The GOP has long adopted a strategy of undermining the electoral process. Post-Trump, opposition to a thriving democracy is their core platform.

Donald v. Democracy: Trump Takes Election Loss Like Defiant Dictator

Donald v. Democracy: Trump Takes Election Loss Like Defiant Dictator

While President Trump's court challenges and voter fraud lies fall apart, he's increasingly defiant. His behavior parallels failing regimes.

America’s Other Pandemic: Conspiracy Theories

America’s Other Pandemic: Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories like QAnon have spread like wildfire throughout the American right, and President Trump is fueling those false fires.

The Only Certainty This Election Is That There Will Be Chaos

The Only Certainty This Election Is That There Will Be Chaos

President Trump is laying the groundwork for a drawn-out contestation of the election and won't commit to a peaceful transition of power. This will spark unrest.

Trump’s Efforts To Steal The Election Mimic Autocratic Regimes

Trump’s Efforts To Steal The Election Mimic Autocratic Regimes

President Trump and the GOP's attacks on mail-in voting, erosion of the USPS, and voter suppression tactics echo other authoritarian power grabs in history.

Could There Be Violence In The 2020 Election?

Could There Be Violence In The 2020 Election?

With the US facing widespread polarization and divisiveness, and President Trump's rhetoric growing increasingly violent, the question must be asked.

What Will Trump Do If Loses His 2020 Re-Election Bid?

What Will Trump Do If Loses His 2020 Re-Election Bid?

After Trump's authoritarian response to the George Floyd protests, the question of how he will react to losing re-election is increasingly important.

Right-Wing Push For Premature Reopenings Will Prolong Pandemic

Right-Wing Push For Premature Reopenings Will Prolong Pandemic

President Trump, GOP governors, and members of his base who are pushing to reopen too soon while Dr. Fauci warns of “needless suffering and death.”

Fox News’ Corrosive Influence On Trump’s Coronavirus Response

Fox News’ Corrosive Influence On Trump’s Coronavirus Response

When it comes to his coronavirus response, President Trump listens to advice from warring realities: right-wing disinformation vs. scientific experts.

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