“The root of the problem is the president’s amorality. Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making.” — Anonymous Senior Trump Administration Official in The New York Times
Of all the quotes in the anonymous op-ed that shook the political world this week, this struck me as the most astute observation. But it didn’t go far enough. President Trump does have a defining principle, and it’s self-interest. And not only is President Trump amoral, his cynical worldview leads him to believe other people are as self-centered and amoral as he is. Let me explain.
After writing about every day of Trump’s presidency for nearly 600 days now, and diving deep into his personal and business history, it’s clear that Donald Trump has operated his entire life with this mindset.
From his time with Roy Cohn to his time in the Oval Office, President Trump believes life is a zero-sum game. For him to win, someone else has to lose. His foundational belief system is based on this winner take all philosophy. You see it in his trade policies. You see it in his domestic policy. You see it in his management style. And knowing Trump’s simple way of looking at the world, he tends to project his own belief system on others. Trump thinks most people are operating at this same amoral level.
It’s this amoral worldview that leads Trump to believe the Justice Department is truly out to get him personally, rather than protecting the rule of law.
It’s this amoral worldview that leads Trump to have such hatred for former President Barack Obama, who he thinks must have some ulterior self-serving motive other than promoting democratic ideals.
It’s this amoral worldview that led Trump to execute on the “zero tolerance” policy which led to the separation of immigrant families without anticipating the universal backlash.
It’s this amoral worldview that leads Trump to believe the media is anti-Trump rather than pro-truth.
President Trump simply cannot comprehend that there are people who dedicate their lives to upholding ideals that are bigger than themselves.
Compound his indecency with his authoritarian tendencies, impulsiveness, and lack of intellectual curiosity and you have a recipe for a profoundly unfit President of the United States.
There is one silver lining though. Donald Trump’s worldview has led him to not only underestimate the American people’s sense of decency, but their capacity to influence change.
I believe Donald Trump will be unpleasantly surprised by how ferociously the American people reject his worldview.
Let’s dive into week 85.
Labor Day Weekend
At Senator John McCain’s memorial service, Meghan McCain, former President Barack Obama, and former President George W. Bush were among the speakers who delivered powerful speeches praising American values and John McCain’s legacy.
These were seen as rebukes of President Trump.
I re-read all the speeches from McCain’s funeral. Nobody attacked Trump. They *praised* honor, decency, character, bipartisanship, and placing country over party. What does it say about Trump that so many people interpreted this as an assault on him personally?
— Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) September 2, 2018
If remarks that praise decency are universally seen as direct rebukes of the President of the United States, perhaps it’s time for a new President. https://t.co/1OITJcmFt2
— Ahmed Baba (@AhmedBaba_) September 2, 2018
In other news…
- President Trump sent out some concerning tweets…
Two long running, Obama era, investigations of two very popular Republican Congressmen were brought to a well publicized charge, just ahead of the Mid-Terms, by the Jeff Sessions Justice Department. Two easy wins now in doubt because there is not enough time. Good job Jeff……
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 3, 2018
….The Democrats, none of whom voted for Jeff Sessions, must love him now. Same thing with Lyin’ James Comey. The Dems all hated him, wanted him out, thought he was disgusting – UNTIL I FIRED HIM! Immediately he became a wonderful man, a saint like figure in fact. Really sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 3, 2018
POTUS lays it on the line again: the job of the Justice Department in his view is to protect his friends and punish his enemies. https://t.co/MUH9McUoZe
— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) September 3, 2018
But then, he sent out a tweet that unintentionally bolstered the credibility of what would later become Mueller’s investigation.
According to the Failing New York Times, the FBI started a major effort to flip Putin loyalists in 2014-2016. “It wasn’t about Trump, he wasn’t even close to a candidate yet.” Rigged Witch Hunt!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 3, 2018
Day 593: Tuesday, September 4

Fred Guttenberg, the father of Jamie Guttenberg who was killed in the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Fla., left, attempts to shake hands with President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, right, as he leaves for a lunch break while appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2018, to begin his confirmation to replace retired Justice Anthony Kennedy. Kavanaugh did not shake his hand. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
The Lede: Day one of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing to the Supreme Court was chaotic, to say the least. Right as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley (R-IA) moves to begin, Democrats interjected and made motions to adjourn the hearing, pointing to the thousands of documents that have yet to be reviewed. This request was met with applause.
KAMALA HARRIS: Mr. Chairman, the committee received 42,000 pages of documents LAST NIGHT that we have not been able tor review or analyze.
RICHARD BLUMENTHAL: If we cannot be recognized, I move to adjourn.
SHUT. IT. DOWN.#BlockBrettpic.twitter.com/3mDDewyk4f
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) September 4, 2018
Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) continued to bring up the motion at various points throughout the hearing which was backed by other Democrats. Ultimately, of course, Democrats did not get their wish.
Nonetheless, Democrats successfully delayed much of the hearing with long-winded speeches blasting Kavanaugh on the merits of his rulings, writings, and beliefs. Presidential hopefuls like Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) especially shined. Senators Chris Coons (D-DE), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) made salient points. Protestors also made multiple appearances that were impossible to ignore. Republican Senators fell in line behind Kavanaugh, but interestingly Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ)—who is not seeking reelection and has been a critic of President Trump—seconded Democrats concerns about Trump’s threats to the rule of law and democratic norms. For more on the specifics of the hearing, read this great piece from Vox.
One of the most revealing moments about Kavanaugh’s character that has gotten a lot of attention didn’t happen while the hearing was in session.
Just walked up to Judge Kavanaugh as morning session ended. Put out my hand to introduce myself as Jaime Guttenberg’s dad. He pulled his hand back, turned his back to me and walked away. I guess he did not want to deal with the reality of gun violence.
— Fred Guttenberg (@fred_guttenberg) September 4, 2018
Wow, here you can hear @fred_guttenberg telling Kavanaugh that his daughter “was murdered in Parkland,” and Kavanaugh whirls and walks away pic.twitter.com/VdkTij2Vdp
— Tommy Christopher (@tommyxtopher) September 4, 2018
And later in the night, we learned even more…
Father of Slain Parkland Teen (Fred Guttenberg) Says Not Only Did Kavanaugh Turn Away As Soon As He Mentioned His Murdered Daughter. But Kavanaugh Himself Asked Security to Remove Guttenberg and ID’d Him to Security By the Bracelets He Wears for His Daughter. pic.twitter.com/7MD66IBLk3
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) September 5, 2018
The Context: Kavanaugh’s confirmation would tip the balance of the Supreme Court for a generation, and will have wide-ranging ramifications for women’s reproductive rights, civil rights, workers’ rights, human rights in general, healthcare (pre-existing conditions), as well as the rule of law. The Supreme Court will likely have to make key decisions on the extent of presidential power, with rulings surrounding pardon power, compliance with subpoenas, and presidential immunity. Given how consequential Nixon v. United States was, this pick will likely determine the legal liability of President Trump. Given the fact President Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in two felony counts, these are worthy concerns. For more on Kavanaugh’s record, including his time working on the Ken Starr investigation of Bill Clinton, his thoughts on Roe v. Wade, and the fact he argued the President should be above the law, read this.
The Analysis: From the unrelenting protests to the fiery rhetoric from Democrats, this was widely seen as the most contentious Supreme Court hearing in recent memory. The Democrats showed up and showed their spines. Obviously, they do not have the votes to block this nominee but they’re putting up one hell of a fight. After Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) stole this Supreme Court seat from Merrick Garland, many among the Democratic base have demanded that their elected leaders put up a fight no matter the odds. They got what they wanted. As for Kavanaugh, he’ll likely be confirmed. But that image of him denying the handshake of Parkland father Fred Guttenberg will haunt him throughout his career. And as for the rule of law, Roe v. Wade, healthcare, etc…the future in a post-Justice Kavanaugh world is uncertain.
In other news…
- The Washington Post: Bob Woodward’s new book reveals a ‘nervous breakdown’ of Trump’s presidency
- The New York Times: Mueller Will Accept Some Written Answers From Trump
- The New York Times: Jon Kyl, Former Senator, Will Replace McCain in Arizona
- The New Yorker: How Rudy Giuliani Turned Into Trump’s Clown
- The Washington Post: 10-term Rep. Michael Capuano (D-Mass.) concedes to Ayanna Pressley, who waged a primary challenge from the left
Day 594: Wednesday, September 5
The Anonymous Op-Ed

President Donald Trump walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House, Thursday, Aug. 3, 2017, in Washington. Trump is en route to Huntington, W.Va. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
This was a paradigm-shifting day. Rantt’s Managing Editor Remy Carreiro covered it perfectly:
On Wednesday afternoon, The New York Times published an anonymous op-ed from an author only identified as “a senior official in the Trump administration” who claimed that they were part of a group of individuals who are determined to thwart the President’s “agenda and his worst inclinations.”
Yes, you read that right.
There is apparently an informal group of members of the Trump administration who recognize the danger the President poses to this country and have taken it upon themselves to minimize his effectiveness privately and secretly. This group is so aware of the cancer that is Donald Trump that they’ve gone as far as to discuss invoking the 25th Amendment, yet decided against it for fear of the constitutional crisis which would be sure to follow.
As the essay reads: “Given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would start a complex process for removing the president. But no one wanted to precipitate a constitutional crisis. So we will do what we can to steer the administration in the right direction until — one way or another — it’s over.”
For more on this op-ed and the case for the 25th Amendment, read the full piece.
President Trump responded as expected, further bolstering the claims made in Bob Woodward’s upcoming book and the anonymous op-ed.
After @realDonaldTrump reads exaggerated accomplishments about his presidency, he attacks the @nytimes to applause from law enforcement
This is a desperate President, with a staff who hates him, a country who rejects him, & investigations looming over himpic.twitter.com/nI6IuzSIQl
— Rantt Media (@RanttMedia) September 5, 2018
Donald Trump is scouring the White House for those who spoke to Bob Woodward
Now, he’s looking for the person who wrote The New York Times op-ed
All this, on top of the criminal liability hanging over his head, Trump feels cornered
We’re about to see him at his absolute worst https://t.co/0C2Nekd5cN
— Ahmed Baba (@AhmedBaba_) September 5, 2018
Donald Trump just called on The New York Times to turn over the anonymous writer of the op-ed “to the government”
This comes after he tweeted “TREASON?”
With every tweet, he further confirms everything the op-ed claims
Trump is a danger to our democracyhttps://t.co/GBBpKytprc
— Ahmed Baba (@AhmedBaba_) September 5, 2018
In other news…
- The Washington Post: Trump suggests that protesting should be illegal
- Politico: Trump reignites threat to news broadcasters
- The Washington Post: The White House is discussing potential replacements for Jim Mattis
- Politico: Court won’t force North Carolina redistricting this year
- The Washington Post: Trump administration to circumvent court limits on detention of child migrants
- CNN: Nielsen calls out Putin for election interference
- NBC News: Trump admin rejected report showing refugees did not pose major security threat
- The most notable moment from the Kavanaugh hearing on Wednesday:
Has Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had a conversation about Robert Mueller or his investigation with anyone at Trump’s personal attorney’s law firm?
We don’t know. He refused to answer my question. pic.twitter.com/PAKxDGvEtZ
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) September 6, 2018
Day 595: Thursday, September 6
I Am Spartacus
On Thursday, a truly remarkable moment in the US Senate occurred. The Democrats showcased how prepared they were to make a spectacle of this hearing. Senator Booker risked expulsion from the Senate in order to release Kavanaugh emails that Republicans classified without basis. Other Democrats followed suit.
Democrats backing Booker up and releasing documents right now, including Durbin and Mazie.
This is a stand worth making. Glad to see the Democrats doing it together. https://t.co/Gx7R4vghHL
— Kaz Weida (@kazweida) September 6, 2018
???From email Booker just released…Kavanaugh shares an “interesting piece” saying Roe “is bad law.” pic.twitter.com/uIpacH9OMi
— Eddie Vale (@evale72) September 6, 2018
In other news…
- The Washington Post: ‘The sleeper cells have awoken’: Trump and aides shaken by ‘resistance’ op-ed
- Rantt Media: Alex Jones Has Been Banned From Twitter. Before You Cry Censorship, Read This.
- President Trump had quite the rally in Montana…
Trump showing us how well spoken he is in Montana.
“anolmuss” https://t.co/oCigELAfEy
— Ahmed Baba (@AhmedBaba_) September 7, 2018
Trump: “California has just become one really large person.” pic.twitter.com/99Xe9rRtgY
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) September 7, 2018
Trump Suggests His Speeches Will One Day Be Seen On Par with the Gettysburg Address, which the Fake News Also Bashed pic.twitter.com/Cg4ywg9Ykp
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) September 7, 2018
This is hilarious:
Anomynous. pic.twitter.com/sJ36OGPgOy
— Levi Gibian (@LeviGibian) September 7, 2018
- Plaid shirt guy, who you’ve likely heard of by now, dominated the internet. Also, a bit was revealed about how the Trump administration may go about engineering their rallies.
this was one of my favorites ‘we’ve picked up a lot of support’ plaid shirt guy ‘HAVE YOU!??’ pic.twitter.com/omM7i8zwPh
— Katie Moeser (@IamKatieMoe) September 7, 2018
At Trump’s Montana rally, some of his supporters seemed irritated. Some seemed unenthusiastic and even bored.
Is this why multiple supporters were swapped out? pic.twitter.com/NVlnK2zV19
— Rantt Media (@RanttMedia) September 7, 2018
Has anyone checked on the well-being of the “supporters” (i.e., actors) who were “swapped out?” Has there been a statement from ICE that they’re in custody but doing fine? https://t.co/XMijgXCgR6
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) September 7, 2018
This story got much darker from what we learned over the weekend…
“He was escorted to a back room where police and Secret Service looked at his ID and then after about 10 minutes told him he could leave, Linfesty said.”
So not only was this kid removed from the rally, he was detained…for not looking enthusiastic?
Are you fucking kidding me? https://t.co/i3EQiusBCg
— Ahmed Baba (@AhmedBaba_) September 8, 2018
Day 596: Friday, September 7
The Return Of Barack
Former President Barack Obama returned with a fiery speech. In it, he delivered his strongest direct rebuke of President Donald Trump since he’s taken office, and didn’t mince words when it came to the Republican Party:
President Obama is back in a big way.
He’s saying everything Americans have wanted to hear him say since Trump won.
Blasting Trump and @GOP’s erosion of decency, regressive policies, and threats to our democracy, while reminding voters we have the power to change this #In60Days
— Ahmed Baba (@AhmedBaba_) September 7, 2018
On the GOP and Russia:
“What happened to the Republican party? Its central organizing principle in foreign policy is the fight against communism and now they’re cozying up to the former head of the KGB?!”
On voter complacency:
“When there’s a vacuum in our democracy, when we don’t vote, when we take our basic rights and freedoms for granted, when we turn away and stop paying attention and stop engaging and stop believing … the politics of fear and resentment and retrenchment takes hold.”
On the economy:
“Let’s just remember when this recovery started. I’m glad it’s continued, but when you hear about this economic miracle that’s been going on… suddenly Republicans are saying it’s a miracle.”
In other news…
- Bloomberg: George Papadopoulos Sentenced to 14 Days in Jail in Mueller Probe
- Bloomberg: Manafort Weighing Plea Deal to Avoid New Criminal Trial, Source Says
- The New York Times: Trump Wants Attorney General to Investigate Source of Anonymous Times Op-Ed
- NBC News: Giuliani tells AP Trump won’t answer Mueller’s obstruction questions, then backtracks
- CNN: Elizabeth Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office
- CNN: Trump tells supporters it’ll be ‘your fault’ if he gets impeached